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The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC), originally called the International Fisheries Commission, was established in 1923 by a Convention between the governments of Canada and the United States of America. Its mandate is research on and management of the stocks of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) within the Convention waters of both nations. The IPHC consists of three government-appointed commissioners for each country who serve their terms at the pleasure of the President of the United States and the Canadian government respectively.

The IPHC, an International Fisheries Organization, receives monies from both the U.S. and Canadian governments to support a Director and staff. Annually, the IPHC meets to conduct the business of the Commission. At this annual meeting the budgets, research plans, biomass estimates, catch recommendations, as well as regulatory proposals are discussed and approved then forwarded to the respective governments for implementation. The IPHC staff and offices are currently located on the University of Washington campus.

The IPHC is considered a public international organization and is entitled to enjoy the privileges, exemptions, and immunities conferred by the International Organizations Immunities Act (conferred rights as a foreign government), except those pursuant to Sections 4(b), 4(e), and 5 (a) of that Act (U.S. Presidential Executive Order 11059). In the 1960s, the IPHC was granted 503(c) status as a not-for-profit organization and is considered part of the U.S. Federal government for purchasing and travel. As well, the IPHC has had a long-term relationship with the University of Washington, and has been granted affiliate status and the ability to purchase through the university as an educational organization.

The IPHC conducts numerous projects annually to support both major mandates – stock assessment and basic halibut biology. Current projects include standardized stock assessment fishing surveys from northern California to the end of the Aleutian Islands, as well as field sampling in major fishing ports to collect scientific information from the halibut fleet. In conjunction with these ongoing programs, the IPHC conducts numerous biological and scientific experiments to further the understanding and information about Pacific halibut.

The Commission encourages public participation in the management of the resource and regularly seeks advice from the Conference Board,  the Processor Advisory Group (PAG), and various State and Federal agencies.

IPHC Organization

The Conference Board is a panel representing Canadian and American commercial and sport halibut fishers.  Created in 1931 by the Commission, the Board gives the IPHC the fishers' perspective on Commission proposals presented at Annual Meetings.  Members are designated by union and vessel owner organizations from both nations.

The Processor Advisory Group (PAG), as the name suggests, represents halibut processors.  Like the Conference Board, PAG lends its opinion regarding Commission proposals and offers recommendations at IPHC Annual Meetings.  The group was formed in 1996.

The Research Advisory Board (RAB) formed in 1999.  It consists of both fishers and processors who offer suggestions to the Director and staff on where Commission research should focus.

Information handouts







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