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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

CVO Photo Archives
Cinder Cones

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  • large-size images are 4-8 M, scanned images, no logo, 300 dpi, 8x10 to 9x12 size, and good for printing and publication ...

Image, click to enlarge
Crater Lake and Wizard Island.
USGS Photograph taken in September 1982 by Lyn Topinka.
[medium size] ... [large size] ... [TIF Format, 24 M]

Image, click to enlarge
Lava Butte, located south of Bend, Oregon, as seen from Highway 97.
USGS Photograph taken on October 1, 1984, by Lyn Topinka.
[medium size] ... [large size] ... [TIF Format, 25 M] ...

Image, click to enlarge
Pilot Butte, located north of Bend, Oregon, as seen from Highway 97.
USGS Photograph taken on October 1, 1984, by Lyn Topinka.
[medium size] ... [large size] ... [TIF Format, 25 M] ...

Aerial Photography

Image, click to enlarge [Image,118K,JPG]
Lava Butte, Bend, Oregon
USGS Aerial Photograph, Lava Butte, Bend, Oregon, 1994

Aerial Photo, Mount Tabor, click to enlarge [Image,163K,JPG]
Mount Tabor, Oregon
USGS Aerial Photo - Mount Tabor, Portland, Oregon, 2000

Image, click to enlarge [Image,115K,JPG]
Pilot Butte, Bend, Oregon
USGS Aerial Photo - Pilot Butte, Bend, Oregon, 1994

Aerial Photo, Powell Butte, click to enlarge [Image,140K,JPG]
Powell Butte, Oregon
USGS Aerial Photo - Powell Butte, Portland, Oregon, 2001

Aerial Photo, Rocky Butte, click to enlarge [Image,144K,JPG]
Rocky Butte, Oregon
USGS Aerial Photo - Rocky Butte, Portland, Oregon, 2000

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01/05/07, Lyn Topinka