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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Conservation, Protection, & Recovery
Species of Concern
Listing of Species
Recovery of Species
Marine Mammal Conservation Plans
Cooperation with States
Interagency Consultation

Human Impacts
Fisheries Interactions (bycatch)
Ocean Sound/Acoustics
Ship Strikes
Viewing Wildlife

International Cooperation

Marine Mammal Health & Stranding
Marine Mammal National Database
National Tissue Bank
Prescott Grants
Unusual Mortality Events
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Prescott Grant Award Recipients


Federal Register (FR) Notice of Solicitations and Full Funding Opportunity (FFO) Announcements

FR Notice [pdf]
FFO [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]
FFO [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]
FFO [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]

FR Notice [pdf]

Semi-Annual & Final Reporting Requirements

Post-Award Changes

Audit Requirements

Getting the Funds- ASAP


This page provides information to award recipients regarding the Prescott Grant Program, including the organizations funded, descriptions of projects, progress report schedules and reports received by the office.

Please note that if you have received a no-cost extension, you must still submit both a progress report and a financial report, according to the schedule indicating the status of your project.

Please remember that progress reports are due every 6 months and financial reports are due every 3 months, regardless of the project period.

It is important to submit your reports by the required due dates regardless of the status of your no-cost extension. For those who have a no-cost extension request under consideration, it is still important that you comply with your scheduled due dates to keep your status up-to-date and complete.

If your funding was delayed, please prepare your progress report with one of the the following statements, as appropriate:

"Although the start date was _______________, funding has not yet been received."


"Although the start date was _______________, funding was not received until ______________."

For your financial report, please simply complete the format with "$0.00" in the appropriate fields.

These are critical steps to keep your administrative files complete and in compliance. The NOAA Grants Managament Division (GMD) requires that your reports be filed on time in order to assure no interruption in funding.

Once progress reports are received by the NMFS Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program, we will expedite review and notification of GMD.

If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact Michelle Ordono or Angela Payne at 301-713-2322.

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