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125 Years of Science for America - 1879 to 2004
U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 00-221
Version 1.1

Bibliography of Literature Pertaining to Long Valley Caldera and Associated Volcanic Fields

By John W. Ewert, Christopher J. Harpel, and Suzanna K. Brooks


pie chart showing 7 percent theses, 13 percent government reports, 18 percent books and book sections, and 82 percent journal articles
Graph showing the distribution of references by type

This bibliography was updated from the 2000 version in April, 2004.

We include references in this bibliography if they are directly applicable to the Long Valley caldera and its recent geophysical unrest, Mono Craters, Inyo Craters, Mono Lake Volcanic Field, and the deposits from these volcanoes, or if they contained regional geological, biological, or meteorological information that would be important to a researcher investigating aspects of the geology and geophysics of the area. Because of the relatively small number of references prior to 1940, we took a broader view of relevance within the older literature. In contrast, we took a more restrictive view of relevancy for the post-1940 references.

In this version 1.1, references were researched primarily using the database resource GeoRef as well as supplemental library searches of the most current literature. Meeting abstracts are not included in the main bibliography of version 1.1. However, abstracts dating through the year 1999 are included in version 1.0. These abstracts are still available as part of the original version and have been included in this report separately. Version 1.1 also now includes biological references as related to the geology of the Long Valley Caldera region. These newly added references have biology listed as one of the reference keywords.

This bibliography is maintained using the EndNote© program. Within this program the bibliography is searchable by author, title, year, journal, or discipline keyword. In more recent references (dating from 1998- April 2004), some journal article abstracts have been included in the EndNote© reference records as they were electronically available.

Download this report as a 103-page PDF document (of00-221.pdf; 520 KB)

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For questions about the content of this report, contact J.W. Ewert

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Maintained by: Michael Diggles
Date created: March 11, 2005
Date last modified: March 25, 2005 (mfd)