
Open-File Report 94-622

Preliminary geologic map emphasizing bedrock formations in Contra Costa County, California: A digital database

By: R.W. Graymer, D.L. Jones, and E.E. Brabb

View the database explanation pamphlet (README) as an unformatted, text-only file: cc_g1.ReadMe.txt (12 KB)

View the database explanation pamphlet as a formatted PDF file: ccdb.pdf (68 KB)

Download the database explanation pamphlet as a formatted PostScript plot file: ccdb.ps (140 KB)

View the geologic explanation pamphlet as an unformatted, text-only file: ccgeo.txt (24 KB)

View the Sources of Data file as an unformatted text-only file: ccsource.txt (8 KB)

View the geologic explanation pamphlet as a formatted PDF file: ccgeo.pdf (88 KB)

Download the geologic explanation pamphlet as a formatted PostScript plot file: ccgeo.ps (200 KB)

View the geologic map sheet as a JPEG file (base-map removed): ccmap.jpg (260 KB)

View the geologic map sheet as a PDF file: ccmap.pdf (5.1 MB) (refreshed July 23, 2008 by Diggles)

View the geologic explanation sheet as a PDF file: ccexpl.pdf (1.8 MB)

Download a compressed tarfile containing the dataset in ARC/INFO 6.x coverage format: cc_g1.tar.Z (20.3 MB compressed download file, 97 MB when uncompressed)

Download a compressed tarfile containing two Postscript plottable files of images of the geologic map sheet at a scale of 1:75,000 and explanation sheet: ccps.tar.Z (9.1 MB compressed download file, 40.3 MB when uncompressed)

button-sized photo of Golden Gate Bridge

For more information on the geology
of the San Francisco Bay region:
Visit the sfgeo website

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The URL for this page is: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1994/of94-622/
Maintained by: Michael Diggles
Updated: July 23, 2008 (mfd)