U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2332

Geologic Map and Map Database of the Palo Alto 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California

By E.E. Brabb, R.W. Graymer, and D.L. Jones

Version 1.0

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PDF browse graphic of map sheet 1 of 2 (1.2 MB)
PDF browse graphic of map sheet 2 of 2 (5.5.MB)
PDF of pamphlet (507 KB)

Readme file (34 KB)
Compressed tar file of PostScript Plotfile package (11.8 MB)
Compressed tar file of PDF Plotfile package (7.1 MB)
Compressed tar file of Digital Database package (6.3 MB)
FGDC-compliant metadata (211 KB)

The three ".tgz" data packages described above are stored in tar (UNIX tape archive) files. A tar utility is required to extract the data from the tar file. This utility is included in most UNIX systems, and can be obtained for a variety of platforms free of charge over the Internet from Internet Literacy's Common Internet File Formats Webpage: http://www.matisse.net/files/formats.html

The tar files have been compressed, and may be uncompressed with gzip, which is available free of charge over the Internet via links from the USGS Public Domain Software page: http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/public.html

When the tar file is uncompressed and the data is extracted from the tar file, a directory is produced that contains the data in the package.

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