Open-File Report 99-169

An Arc/Info Point Coverage of Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) Locations in Eleven Western States

by David G. Frank


 description of files available to download

 file size

 uncompressed file size

 of99-169 in Portable Document Format (PDF)

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader to view pdf files


1.2 MB 

 Complete digital data package

Utilities to extract TAR and GZIP files on your Windows or Macintosh

5 MB 

36 MB 

 Metadata file (ASCII text file)


16 KB 

 Dataset in Arc/Info interchange format as an UNIX compressed (and, in some cases, TAR) file.

3 MB 

30 MB 

 Additional Files (AML, graphic, key, symbolset, and text files) necessary to recreate digital map plates in an UNIX compressed TAR file.

1.6 KB 

1.6 KB 

 Map Files in HPGL2 format as an UNIX compressed (and, in some cases, TAR) file.

820 KB 

820 KB 

 Map Files in EPS format as an UNIX compressed (and, in some cases, TAR) file.

835 KB 

4.1 MB 

 Other Files (.dbf look-up tables for dataset, included in complete digital data package)

state.dbf, com_type.dbf, commod.dbf, depsize.dbf

22 KB total 

22 KB total 

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Updated: 08/18/99, (df)