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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 02-37

Felt Reports and Intensity Assignments for Aftershocks and Triggered Events of the Great 1906 California Earthquake

By Aron J. Meltzner and David J. Wald


The San Andreas fault is the longest fault in California and one of the longest strikeslip faults in the world, yet little is known about the aftershocks following the most recent great event on the San Andreas, the M 7.8 San Francisco earthquake, on 18 April 1906. This open-file report is a compilation of first-hand accounts (felt reports) describing aftershocks and triggered events of the 1906 earthquake, for the first twenty months of the aftershock sequence (through December 1907). The report includes a chronological catalog. For the larger events, Modified Mercalli intensities (MMIs) have been assigned based on the descriptions judged to be the most reliable.

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Maintained by: Carolyn Donlin
Created: 10-31-02
Last modified: 10-31-02 (cad)