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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 02-121

Field-Trip Guide to the Southeastern Foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains In Santa Clara County, California


Philip W. Stoffer and Paula Messina

This field trip is an introduction to the geology of the southeastern foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains in southern Santa Clara County. Seven stops include four short hikes to access rock exposures and views of the foothills east of Loma Prieta Peak between Gilroy and San José. Field-trip destinations highlight the dominant rock types of the "Franciscan assemblage" including outcrops of serpentinite, basalt, limestone, ribbon chert, graywacke sandstone, and shale. General discussions include how the rocks formed, and how tectonism and stream erosion have changed the landscape through time. All field trip stops are on public land; most are near reservoir dams of the Santa Clara Valley Water District. In addition, stops include examination of an Ohlone Indian heritage site and the New Almaden Mining Museum.


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Maintained by: Carolyn Donlin
Created: 3-19-02
Last modified: 3-20-02 (cad)