January 15-21 in Area Weather History

Jan. 15: On this day in 1887, it was a very cold day in
               Cheyenne and much of the region.  The low in
               Cheyenne bottomed out at 26 degrees below zero.

Jan. 16: A winter storm system brought 9.1 inches of snow to
               Scottsbluff, Nebraska, on this day in 1995.

Jan. 17: Very cold temperatures occurred on this day in 1930.
               Kimball, Nebraska set its lowest temperature on record
               with a low of 36 below zero.  Scottsbluff, Nebraska set
               its lowest January temperature with a low of 33 below
               while Cheyenne chilled to 30 degrees below zero.
               Strong winds buffeted Cheyenne and surrounding areas
               on this day in 1982, with a gust of 71 mph recorded in

Jan. 18: On this day in 1988, a snowstorm brought 7.4 inches of
                snow to Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
                Very high winds blew across the area on this day in 1975,
                with Cheyenne recording a peak gust of 85 mph, only 1
                mph short of Cheyenne’s all time highest wind gust.

Jan. 19: Today is a historically cold day for Rawlins, Wyoming.
                An all-time low temperature of 36 degrees below zero
                occurred on this day in 1963, one of 3 times Rawlins
                has reached this cold mark.

Jan. 20: Cheyenne’s warmest January temperature on record was
                attained on this day in 2005, with a high of 66 degrees.

                One of the highest wind gusts ever recorded in Cheyenne
                occurred on this day in 1975, with a gust of 86 mph.

                On this day in 1883, a low of 31 degrees below zero was
                recorded in Cheyenne.

Jan. 21: On this day in 1993 a peak wind gust of 73 mph blew
through Cheyenne, while on this day in 1962 a low of 20
below zero greeted Cheyenne residents.

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  • National Weather Service
  • Cheyenne, WY Weather Forecast Office
  • 1301 Airport Parkway
  • Cheyenne, WY 82001-1549
  • 307-772-2468
  • Page Author: CYS Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-cys.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 10-Jun-2008 4:22 PM UTC
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