Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Prescribed Burning Guidelines
in the Northern Great Plains

Appendix B

An example of a brief fire plan involving a low risk site within a wetland.

A. Area Identification

  1. Bolstand WPA, Brookings County
    Total acreage - 40 acres
    Proposed prescribed burn acreage - 6 acres (2 islands)

    The islands are original native sod. The prescribed burn will remove mulch and reduce cool season invaders while improving the warm season natives.

B. Burning Plan

  1. Preparation for burning

    The islands will be burned as close to May 1 as possible, but only if surrounding water is open enough to act as a good fire break. A 2-man burn team, using 2 drip torches and one 150 gallon pumper will conduct the burn, using the circular ring fire technique. Estimated cost is $100.

  2. Ignition

    Fire will be ignited with drip torch in a circular ring fire pattern.

  3. Holding and Control

    The prescribed burn will be done only if the surrounding water is Open enough to act as a good fire break. The islands are of small size and the burn team will be adjacent to water at all times. The water serves as an escape route.

  4. Mop up

    Personnel will remain in the area 1/2 hour after completing the burn to insure the fire is out.

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