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E-Learning with CWLA

Training Enters the Internet Age

Every organization struggles to provide relevant, quality training experiences for its workers. To provide such training to large numbers of people in a convenient, cost-effective way, many organizations have turned to e-learning courses staff can take anytime, anywhere, on either home and office computers. Unfortunately, developing your own quality online courses can be a resource-intensive process, often requiring significant expenditures of both time and money.

To make e-learning easy for you, CWLA, through a partnership with Essential Learning (EL), is providing access to a range of individual online courses for child welfare and human service workers, clinicians, supervisors, and managers, as well as a comprehensive web-based learning management system your organization can customize to meet specific training needs. Both options allow your workforce to keep up with the latest developments in the field and to earn continuing education credits from national accrediting bodies.

Individual E-Learning Courses

The EL library offers a range of courses emphasizing topics related to children and adolescents, clinical diagnosis and treatment, addictions, and mental health. In addition, CWLA is adding new courses relevant to child welfare professionals frequently. Current CWLA courses in development include
  • Reducing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion
  • Comprehensive Intervention with Aggressive Children and Youth
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Child Welfare
  • Working with Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence
  • Working with Children With Attachment Disorder
  • Critical Supervisory Skills
Individuals can select courses from the library, complete the readings and exercises at their own pace, take the test, and print their CE certificate. Social work professionals will be able to receive CE credit for reading and passing tests on selected professional books from the CWLA catalog, as well as issues of Child Welfare Journal. Courses are available on a pay-as-you go basis; staff from CWLA member agencies receive a 10% discount on all courses and a 20% discount of book purchases from the CWLA webstore.

To review the EL site or take a course, click here. To obtain your agency's member discount code, check with your administrative office or email CWLA at

Customized Learning Management Systems

Organizations can also subscribe to EL's Learning Management System to develop customized learning sites for their agencies.

An organizational site is a comprehensive online training and management system with top-notch reporting and monitoring capabilities for tracking course completion and compliance with licensing mandates. It also provides on-demand access to all CWLA and EL courses for your entire staff, as well as the ability to customize courses from the EL library, add new courses of your own, and develop new courses with the assistance of EL staff.

These services are available to organizations for a monthly fee, based on the number of employees who will be using the system. CWLA member organizations receive a 10% discount when subscribing to the Learning Management System.

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