Child Welfare League of America Making Children a National Priority


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Research and Data

National Data Analysis System

National Data Analysis System (NDAS) is the most comprehensive collection of child welfare and related data in the country. Started in 1999, it covers a wide array of topics that reflect services to children and families for every state in the United States. Through its publicly accessible web site, NDAS is a tool that organizes large amounts of information, a resource to learn how states are collecting data, and a knowledge base to complement other sources of data, such as longitudinal data. NDAS is interactive, allowing users to download statistical data to their desktops.

Linking Research to Practice

The Research to Practice (R2P) effort is focused on discovering and presenting to the child welfare community, relevant information regarding programs and/or practices involved in any of the levels of research rigor. We work to accomplish this in a spirit of collaboration with others so that we can support individuals and agencies providing services to children and families.

How can you become involved? We want to hear from you! If your agency has an effective program or practice with an evaluation component to support your track record of success, we'd love to hear from you! However, if you are now just at the beginning point of planning to evaluate your promising practice or program, we'd also love to hear from you. We can share with you how to use our toolkit series or discuss with you any other way we might be helpful. Are you ready to share your experience with others? Contact us, and will work with you on that.

National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology

The mission of the NRC-CWDT is to assist state, local, and tribal child welfare agencies and the courts improve outcomes for children and families through the use of data and information technology. The Resource Center is funded by the Children's Bureau, ACF/HHS.

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