US Geological Survey visual mark

U.S. Geologic Survey
Geological Investigations Series I-2662
Online version 1.0

Map Showing Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of the Granite Park Area, Grand Canyon, Arizona

By Richard Hereford, Kelly J. Burke, and Kathryn S. Thompson


Photograph of Granite Park area, Grand Canyon, Arizona.

View to west-northwest showing map area and setting of Granite Park; Grand Canyon, Arizona. The Colorado River flows from right to left. Granite Park Wash is the light-colored area in foreground of photograph. The debris fan of 209 Mile Canyon is at left center. Pleistocene gravel is exposed in the steep, light-colored bank above 209 Mile Rapids at left edge of photograph. The black-colored ledge that forms the dark cliff at upper right of photograph is the basalt flow of Hamblin (1994). Sand dunes, debris fans, and terraces of the Colorado River cover the lower half of this area shown in this photograph.

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Created: July 20, 2000 (cad)
Updated: June 22, 2007 (bwr, mfd)