Since its inception in 1997, CSOM (the Center for Sex Offender Management) has received funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. Through this federal assistance, staff were available to provide support to those working to prevent sexual victimization through the advancement of strategies to effectively manage adult and juvenile sex offenders. This took the form of preparing and disseminating policy papers, training curricula, articles for professional publications, and other written materials; technical assistance to jurisdictions interested in advancing their practices; and responding to queries and other information needs from professionals, the media, victims, offenders, and concerned citizens.

CSOM’s public funding ended on December 31, 2008. The CSOM web site remains operational and may provide the information you seek or provide links and contact information to other resource centers. A new addition to the web site, the Frequently Asked Questions Page, was developed specifically to respond to common questions posed to CSOM.

CSOM continues to provide training and technical assistance on a fee-for-service basis. If you are interested in contracting with CSOM staff for these or other services, please send an email to mcarter@cepp.com.

We thank you for your inquiry and thank you for your efforts to end sexual violence.