U.S. Imports of Textiles, Textile Products and Apparel, Top Trading Partners Top Countries based on current month. Data consists of NAICS Codes 313, 314, 315. Values in millions of dollars. Country Dec. 2008 Nov. 2008 Nov. 2008 - Dec. 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2007 - 2008 $ Change % Change $ Change % Change Total Imports, All Countries 6,926.2 7,103.5 -177.3 -2.5% 98,274.6 101,959.8 99,196.8 95,571.6 -3,685.2 -3.6% Total Imports, Top 25 Countries 6,261.8 6,461.8 -200.0 -3.1% 89,018.9 91,446.1 88,065.1 83,571.1 -2,427.2 -2.7% Total Imports, Excluding China 4,506.2 4,498.7 7.6 0.2% 63,470.7 67,028.1 69,077.6 69,554.0 -3,557.4 -5.3% 1 China 2,420.0 2,604.8 -184.8 -7.1% 34,803.8 34,931.7 30,119.1 26,017.5 -127.9 -0.4% 2 Vietnam 408.5 396.5 12.0 3.0% 5,339.5 4,465.2 3,308.3 2,793.2 874.2 19.6% 3 Mexico 378.1 398.0 -19.8 -5.0% 5,387.7 6,101.1 6,846.2 7,627.1 -713.4 -11.7% 4 India 369.0 410.4 -41.3 -10.1% 5,520.4 5,564.8 5,532.5 5,131.1 -44.4 -0.8% 5 Indonesia 304.8 287.7 17.1 5.9% 4,228.1 4,191.6 3,882.7 3,069.5 36.4 0.9% 6 Bangladesh 281.0 237.7 43.3 18.2% 3,564.4 3,216.6 3,025.3 2,485.7 347.8 10.8% 7 Pakistan 258.7 249.6 9.2 3.7% 3,189.0 3,269.0 3,369.2 3,010.5 -80.0 -2.4% 8 Honduras 215.9 218.5 -2.6 -1.2% 2,688.9 2,601.0 2,528.6 2,697.8 87.9 3.4% 9 Italy 174.4 160.0 14.4 9.0% 2,342.6 2,538.7 2,338.8 2,420.0 -196.1 -7.7% 10 Thailand 144.6 150.5 -5.9 -3.9% 2,012.2 2,079.6 2,150.7 2,151.3 -67.3 -3.2% 11 Cambodia 144.2 179.1 -34.9 -19.5% 2,386.7 2,436.3 2,151.2 1,727.4 -49.6 -2.0% 12 Sri Lanka 121.8 111.9 9.9 8.8% 1,525.3 1,630.8 1,733.2 1,704.2 -105.5 -6.5% 13 El Salvador 120.5 115.3 5.2 4.5% 1,569.3 1,504.9 1,432.4 1,644.7 64.4 4.3% 14 Canada 116.3 141.0 -24.6 -17.5% 2,043.5 2,568.7 2,870.8 3,115.3 -525.2 -20.4% 15 Philippines 98.4 95.3 3.1 3.3% 1,427.8 1,794.6 2,074.0 1,911.1 -366.9 -20.4% 16 Guatemala 96.0 85.2 10.8 12.7% 1,413.8 1,478.8 1,697.9 1,844.0 -65.0 -4.4% 17 Korea, South 79.6 81.7 -2.0 -2.5% 1,218.4 1,427.8 1,789.9 2,098.3 -209.4 -14.7% 18 Taiwan 78.8 84.6 -5.7 -6.8% 1,254.5 1,429.1 1,576.9 1,737.7 -174.6 -12.2% 19 Nicaragua 70.0 65.1 4.9 7.5% 935.0 968.6 880.1 716.5 -33.6 -3.5% 20 Egypt 69.3 71.1 -1.8 -2.5% 913.8 868.6 806.0 613.3 45.2 5.2% 21 Jordan 67.9 55.9 12.0 21.5% 974.2 1,146.3 1,253.9 1,083.0 -172.1 -15.0% 22 Turkey 65.1 69.7 -4.6 -6.6% 983.4 1,210.8 1,365.6 1,643.5 -227.4 -18.8% 23 Dominican Republic 64.5 60.6 4.0 6.5% 854.6 1,068.8 1,557.7 1,861.9 -214.2 -20.0% 24 Hong Kong 57.2 84.1 -26.9 -32.0% 1,622.7 2,117.7 2,907.3 3,643.1 -495.0 -23.4% 25 Peru 56.8 47.8 8.9 18.7% 819.6 835.1 866.6 823.4 -15.6 -1.9% Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division