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Peru Local time: 12:03 AM

Market and Industry Reports

The highly qualified specialists at the U.S. Commercial Service in Lima are constantly collecting information about a broad range of industry sectors in Peru. Find out more about how we can help you meet your market research needs.

Industry/Market Research Reports are structured market overviews and updates produced in the Commercial Service Lima based on prospective markets. These reports offer succinct international market information on specific industries that can assist determine market potential, market size, and competitors for your products and services.

Following are the latest reports prepared by the CS Lima 

Industry Sector

Other Industry/Market Research Reports are available through the U.S. Government's Export Portal

  • Cold Chain Equipment (PDF, 134KB)

    The country’s cold chain, especially cold storage rooms, refrigerated containers, and refrigerated trucks, will be in high demand. An estimated 40% increase in exports of perishable products (i.e., agribusiness and fish/seafood) is anticipated for 2006-2007

  • Electrical Appliances (PDF, 82KB)

    The total market for electrical appliances in Peru was approximately US$ 473 million in 2005. The market is expected to increase 16.2% during 2006, reaching US$ 550 million. Imported products comprise 62% of the market, with local production and exports accounting for the remaining 38%.

  • 2006 Food Processing and Packaging Equipment Market Report (PDF, 114KB)

    The food and beverage processing and packaging (FPP) industry is one of the most dynamic in Peru. In 2005, this industry grew 9.4%, boosted by 25% growth in the thriving agribusiness sector. Peru is ranked as the number one fishmeal and asparagus exporter worldwide.

  • Health Plans Market (PDF, 73KB)

    In Peru, the financial sector regulator that supervises insurance companies, banks, and pension funds (SBS), estimates health providers Rimac Internacional and Pacifico Salud controlled the 2001 – 2006 company health plans market with average market shares of 28% and 29% correspondingly.

  • Intellectual Property Rights (Microsoft Word, 423KB)

    Government protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) fosters creativity, provides incentives for companies to develop new and better products, attracts investment, allows artists and artisans to make a living, and increases tax revenues.

  • Migration and Remittance Volume (PDF, 69KB)

    Latin American migration to more developed countries for improved life conditions has shown exponential growth during the last three decades (1976-2006), where roughly 40 million people have sallied to the U.S., of which, 20% i.e., (eight million migrants) reside illegally.

  • 2005 Mining Equipment Market (PDF, 78KB)

    The mining sector is a major contributor to Peru’s sustained economic growth. In 2005, mining production represented 13.5% of the GDP and comprised nearly 54% of the total exports, about US$ 8.9 billion. Gold, silver, copper and zinc represented roughly 97% of mining production in 2005.

  • Plastic Materials and Resins (PDF, 117KB)

    The total market for plastic materials and resins (PMR) in Peru was US$ 474.2 million in 2004 and increased to US$ 581.2 million in 2005. For the most part the market consists of imports; local production accounts for 14% of the total market, and exports represent 93% of total production.

  • Telecommunications Regulator OSIPTEL Sets Extra Measures to Advance Competition (PDF, 81KB)

    Additional regulatory measures set forth by OSIPTEL in 2005 are gradually taking effect in 2007, as the old telecom model of pre-selected long-distance carriers remains suspended between April 19th and July 1st.

  • 2006 Travel and Tourism Market Report (PDF, 68KB)

    In 2005, the U.S. was second preferred destination among Peruvians with 20.2% market share. Florida attracts 50% of Peruvian visitors to the U.S. Market niches with potential for U.S. suppliers include: conventions, shopping, language courses, and work/travel international student programs.