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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02–172

Field Guide to Geologic Excursions in Southwestern Utah and Adjacent Areas of Arizona and Nevada

William R. Lund, Editor


     This field guide contains road logs for field trips planned in conjunction with the 2002 Rocky Mountain Section meeting of the Geological Society of America held at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. There are a total of eight field trips, covering various locations and topics in southwestern Utah and adjacent areas of Arizona and Nevada. In addition, the field guide contains a road log for a set of Geological Engineering Field Camp Exercises run annually by the University of Missouri at Rolla in and around Cedar City.
     Two of the field trips address structural aspects of the geology in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona; two trips deal with ground water in the region; and along with the Field Camp Exercises, one trip, to the Grand Staircase, is designed specifically for educators. The remaining trips examine the volcanology and mineral resources of a large area in and around the Tusher Mountains in Utah; marine and brackish water strata in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; and the Pine Valley Mountains, which are cored by what may be the largest known laccolith in the world. The "Three Corners" area of Utah, Arizona, and Nevada is home to truly world-class geology, and I am confident that all of the 2002 Rocky Mountain Section meeting attendees will find a field trip suited to their interests.

Download or view any of the nine individual chapters of this report:
Chapter Chapter Title File Name File Size
1 Structural Development and Paleoseismicity of the Hurricane Fault, Southwestern Utah and Northwestern Arizona
By William R. Lund, Wanda J. Taylor, Philip A. Pearthree, Heidi Stenner, Lee Amoroso, and Hugh Hurlow
chap1.pdf 7.2 MB
2 Influence of Proterozoic and Laramide Structures on the Miocene Extensional Strain Field, North Virgin Mountains, Nevada/Arizona
By Mark C. Quigley, Karl E. Karlstrom, Sue Beard, and Bob Bohannon
chap2.pdf 1.9 MB
3 The Navajo Aquifer System of Southwestern Utah
By Victor M. Heilweil, Dennis E. Watt, D. Kip Solomon, and Kimball E. Goddard
chap3.pdf 5.2 MB
4 Geology and Mineral Resources of the Marysvale Volcanic Field, Southwestern Utah
By Peter D. Rowley, Charles G. Cunningham, John J. Anderson, Thomas A. Steven, Jeremiah B. Workman, and Lawrence W. Snee
chap4.pdf 724 KB
5 Upper Cretaceous Marine and Brackish Water Strata at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah
By T.S. Dyman, W.A. Cobban, L.E. Davis, R.L. Eves, G.L. Pollock, J.D. Obradovich, A.L. Titus, K.I. Takahashi, T.C. Hester, and D. Cantu
chap5.pdf 5.6 MB
6 The Geology of the Grand Staircase in Southern Utah: A Road Log and Guide for Public School Teachers
By Larry E. Davis and Robert L. Eves
chap6.pdf 1.4 MB
7 Associated Miocene Laccoliths, Gravity Slides, and Volcanic Rocks, Pine Valley Mountains and Iron Axis Region, Southwestern Utah
By David B. Hacker, Daniel K. Holm, Peter D. Rowley, and H. Richard Blank
chap7.pdf 65.3 MB
8 Hydrology and Ground-Water Conditions of the Tertiary Muddy Creed Formation in the Lower Virgin River Basin of Southeastern Nevada and Adjacent Arizona and Utah
By Michael Johnson, Gary L. Dixon, Peter D. Rowley, Terry C. Katzer, and Michael Winters
chap8.pdf 1.5 MB
9 Geological Engineering Field Camp Exercises
By P.M. Santi and R.C. Laudon
chap9.pdf 536 KB

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Maintained by: Carolyn Donlin
Created: 29 May 2002
Last modified: 18 July 2002 (cad)