U.S. Geological survey
Open-File Report 95-800

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Newhall 7.5' Quadrangle, Southern California: A Digital Database

Compiled by R.F. Yerkes and R.H. Campbell


Photo taken from the hills looking down into the flats
Photograph of southern Santa Clarita Valley taken on Earth Day, 2006, from the summit of the Towsley Canyon Loop Trail (Photo by J. Newhall)

Files available for downloading:

ReadMe file newhal.txt - Unformatted documentation file describing content and formats of this publication (19 kb).

ReadMe file newhal.pdf - A formatted, printable PDF file (96 kb).

All Geologic map database files newhal.tar.gz - This includes all the geologic database layers and supporting materials in ARC/INFO 7.x ASCII EXPORT format, and all of the documentation files, packaged in a single UNIX tar file, compressed with gzip and includes all the geologic map database layers listed below (18.3 MB compressed download size, 78 MB when uncompressed).

Geology - nh-geol.e00.gz - Faults, contacts and geologic units (640 kb compressed download size, 2.4 MB when uncompressed).

Structure - nh-strc.e00.gz - Attitudes and fold axes (32 kb compressed download size, 208 kb when uncompressed).

Wells - nh-wells.e00.gz - Exploratory oil wells (16 kb compressed download size, 136 kb when uncompressed).

Composite base map - nh-topo.e00.gz - Composite quadrangle base map layer in vector format (17.2 MB compressed download size, 74.4 MB when uncompressed)

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Please send comments and suggestions, or report problems, to: Michael Diggles
Updated: May 2, 2007 (bwr, mfd)