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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 95-091

Preliminary Geologic Map of the Topanga 7.5' Quadrangle, Southern California: A Digital Database

Compiled by R.F. Yerkes and R.H. Campbell


Weathering has produced these bushel basket-sized tafoni in the Tertiary sandstone and conglomerate sedimentary rocks of Topanga Canyon. Photograph courtesy of Ohio State University.

Files available for download:

README file topnga.txt - Unformatted documentation file describing content and formats of this publication (19 kb).

README file - as a formatted, printable PostScript file (880 kb).

Download all the geologic database layers and supporting materials topnga.tar.gz in ARC/INFO 7.x ASCII EXPORT format, and all of the documentation files, packaged in a single UNIX tar file, compressed with gzip. Includes all the geologic map database layers listed below (21 MB compressed download size, 86 MB when uncompressed).

Geology - tp-geol.e00.gz Faults, contacts and geologic units (504 kb compressed download size, 2 MB when uncompressed).

Structure - tp-strc.e00.gz Attitudes and fold axes (64 kb compressed download size, 784 kb when uncompressed).

Fossils - tp-foss.e00.gz Fossil localities (4 kb compressed download size, 22 kb when uncompressed).

Composite base map - tp-topo.e00.gz Composite quadrangle base map layer in vector format (19.2 MB compressed download size, 82.4 MB when uncompressed).

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This report is available via print on demand.

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Please send comments and suggestions, or report problems, to: Michael Diggles
Updated: August 27, 2007 (bwr, mfd)