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Loving Your Body Inside and Out
Body Image: Loving Yourself Inside and Out

Pregnant woman holding her bellyPregnancy and Body Image

For some women, body image is a huge concern, especially during pregnancy.

Some women welcome their pregnant bodies, while others are in complete shock with the different changes. Naturally, your body is going to be different than it was before you were pregnant. Hormone fluctuations will cause your uterus to expand, your breasts to grow, your feet to enlarge, and your skin to break out. You may suffer increased fatigue and incredible food cravings. Let's not even mention varicose veins and mood swings!

Loving your body before pregnancy can help you get through the physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Changing your body image while you are pregnant is a pretty tough thing to do, especially if it was already low to begin with. Here are some ideas to try and help you love and accept your pregnant body:

  • Concentrate on your baby. Your body is changing in order to help your baby grow and develop. It is a natural process.
  • Express your feelings. Talk with your partner, family, or friends about how you are feeling. Keeping your feelings bottled up will only make you feel worse.
    For more information on pregnancy, visit our Healthy Pregnancy section.
  • Try to get out for some enjoyable exercise. A light swim or walk can help you clear your mind and get the focus off your body.
  • Take up prenatal yoga. Yoga focuses not on how your body looks, but on the link between your body and your mind.
  • Practice self-massage. Touching your own body will help you to become more familiar and accepting of it.
  • Learn as much as you can about pregnancy. By educating yourself, you will know what to expect and feel more in control.
  • If you are really having serious issues, seek out mental health counseling.

My pre-baby body is gone ... for good!

Don't worry new moms! After your baby is born, your body has to adjust and return to a non-pregnant body. Your stomach may seem more of a pooch rather than the toned abs you are use to. Don't expect a flat belly after your delivery. Remember, your body has been through a lot in giving birth and needs time to recover. Give yourself some time to rest and catch up on some sleep.

The American Pregnancy Association suggests exercising as a way to help you get your pre-pregnancy body back. Join a gym that offers childcare or load up your stroller and walk through the neighborhood. This will also help get you out of the house so you can feel refreshed.

Pregnant woman holding her bellyPregnancy and Eating Disorders

Having an eating disorder can increase your chances of never being able to get pregnant. The longer you have an eating disorder, the higher the risk that you will face some type of fertility problems. There are basically two types of eating disorders: anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia involves starving oneself and avoiding appropriate food intake. Bulimia involves binge eating and then purging by vomiting, using laxatives, or over-exercising to rid the body of excess calories. Both types of eating disorders affect the reproductive process, pregnancy, and health of the baby.

Eating disorders affect pregnancy negatively in a number of ways. The following complications are associated with eating disorders during pregnancy:

  • Premature labor
  • Low birth weight
  • Stillbirth or fetal death
  • Intrauterine growth retardation
  • Likelihood of caesarean birth
  • Delayed fetal growth
  • Respiratory problems
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Low amniotic fluid
  • Preeclampsia

Additional Information on Pregnancy and Body Image:


  1. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Anorexia Nervosa — This easy-to-read fact sheet contains information about anorexia nervosa. It gives the definition, causes, signs and symptoms, and the effects it has on the body. It also provides information for pregnant women.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Bulimia Nervosa — This fact sheet answers common questions about bulimia nervosa. It explains what it is, what the causes are, what the warning signs are, how it affects the body, and what treatment options are available.

  3. Body Image: Loving Your Body Before, During, and After Your Pregnancy (Copyright © APA) — This publication discusses the importance of being comfortable with your body before pregnancy. It also explains what you can do to continue to love your body through all the major changes of pregnancy and the postpartum period.

  4. Eating Disorders & Pregnancy: Facts about the Risks (Copyright © NEDA) — This publication discusses the risks of having an eating disorder during pregnancy, including an explanation of how it can affect both the baby and mother. It also provides information on what to do if you become pregnant while struggling with an eating disorder.

  5. Eating Disorders During Pregnancy (Copyright © APA) — This publication explains how eating disorders affect fertility and pregnancy. It also provides information on what you can do to ensure the health of both you and your baby before, during, and after pregnancy.


  1. American Pregnancy Association
  2. National Eating Disorders Association

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated March 19, 2008.

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