US Geological Survey visual mark

Open-File Report 00-320
Online version 1.0

Are We Running Out of Oil?

By L.B. Magoon

Photograph of Los Angeles, CA oil fields in the 1890's


This publication is a poster approximately 33 inches wide by 17 inches high. For your convenience, we have provided the poster as a PDF document and as a PostScript file. If you are interested in having a larger version of this poster and are unable to use the PostScript file to do this, contact Zenon Valin.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact: Les Magoon

Large oil and asphalt seep in Santa Barbara, CA

You might also be interested in a website about natural gas and oil seeps in California

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Created: August 8, 2000 (cad)
Updated: November 15, 2006 (bwr, mfd)