Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source
Optics Fabrication and Metrology Group

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Optics Fabrication & Metrology Group's Laboratories


Deposition Laboratory - to help develop reflective optical elements as well as experimental samples for all the APS users.

Metrology Laboratory - the Metrology Laboratory at the APS can: evaluate optical quality of x-ray mirrors and substrates to be used in the APS beamlines, in order to ensure compliance with the user's specifications in terms of figure error and finish, characterize x-ray mirror-bender assemblies and specialized optics, and carry out joint R&D programs to develop new metrology measurement techniques and instrumentation.

Fabrication & X-Ray Labs - in the OFM Fabrication Laboratory, different elements (predominantly crystals) that can be used for x-ray beamlines, mainly synchrotron radiation beamlines, are prepared and/or improved. The lab is supplied with the following equipment: a crystal cutter, three polishers/lappers , chemical hoods, and control equipment. The lab has also access to other equipment like grinders, polishers, a core drill press and ultrasonic mill that are operated by the Argonne National Lab Central Optics Shop. In1998, the lab manufactured over a total of 120 new crystal elements and improved or modified about 20 others. Requests for new elements included, for example, cryo-monochromators, interferometers and analyzers. Improvements and/or modifications of existing crystals consisted of operations such as reshaping, repolishing and re-etching.

X-Ray Optics Design & Development - the OFM group has expertise available for designing x-ray mirrors and other components that must withstand the high heat load from high-powered synchrotron radiation beams.


U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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