<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.ResultSet" %> <%@ page import="java.text.DecimalFormat" %> <%@ page import="gov.nci.grants.*" %> <%@ page import="gov.nci.corda.NCIPopChartEmbedder" %> Cancer Control and Population Sciences: Research Overview
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<% QueryBean QBean = new QueryBean(); UtilityBean UBean = new UtilityBean(); // Use this for formatting to zero decimal places. DecimalFormat df0 = new DecimalFormat("#,###"); // Use this for formatting to one decimal place. DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0"); int progId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("progid")); Program p = QBean.getProgramInfo(progId); String programName = p.getName(); int orgId = p.getOrgId(); %>

Funding History for <%= programName %>


<% // We want to make sure we only display completed fiscal years. // DCCPS started in FY 1998. ResultSet rstHistory = QBean.getProgFYHistory(progId, 1998, UBean.getCurrentFY() - 1); // In order to drill down from individual pie slices, we need to set a separate // drill-down location for each slice. This can't easily be done using // setResultSet, so we have to build up PCXML by hand. String categories_pcxml = ""; String grantseries_pcxml = ""; String dollarseries_pcxml = ""; String ddUrl; double pctIncreaseGrants; double pctIncreaseDollars; String pctIncreaseGrantsDisplay; String pctIncreaseDollarsDisplay; int fy; while (rstHistory.next()) { fy = rstHistory.getInt("fy"); ddUrl = "/overview/fyprogdetails.jsp?progid=" + progId + "&FY=" + fy; pctIncreaseGrants = rstHistory.getDouble("pct_increase_grants"); if (rstHistory.wasNull()) pctIncreaseGrantsDisplay = "N/A"; else pctIncreaseGrantsDisplay = df1.format(100 * pctIncreaseGrants); pctIncreaseDollars = rstHistory.getDouble("pct_increase_dollars"); if (rstHistory.wasNull()) pctIncreaseDollarsDisplay = "N/A"; else pctIncreaseDollarsDisplay = df1.format(100 * pctIncreaseDollars); %> <% categories_pcxml += ""; // We must use absolute paths for drilldown to make the D-link work correctly. grantseries_pcxml += ""; dollarseries_pcxml += ""; } // end while loop QBean.close(); String grant_pcxml = "" + "" + categories_pcxml + "" + "" + grantseries_pcxml + "" + ""; String dollar_pcxml = "" + "" + categories_pcxml + "" + "" + dollarseries_pcxml + "" + ""; %>
Fiscal Year Total Grants Percentage Change Total Dollars Percentage Change
<%= fy %> <%=rstHistory.getInt("num_grants")%> <%=pctIncreaseGrantsDisplay%> $<%=df0.format(rstHistory.getInt("nci_total_awarded"))%> <%=pctIncreaseDollarsDisplay%>
<% NCIPopChartEmbedder histGraph = new NCIPopChartEmbedder(); histGraph.appearanceFile = "apfiles/dccps_public/fyhistory.pcxml"; histGraph.userAgent = request.getHeader("USER-AGENT"); histGraph.addPCXML(grant_pcxml + dollar_pcxml); histGraph.pcScript = "Title.SetText(" + programName + " Portfolio by Fiscal Year)"; histGraph.width = 500; histGraph.height = 379; %>

<%= histGraph.getEmbeddingHTML() %>

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DCCPSNational Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health USA.gov