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Industrial Safety and Health

Occupational Safety & Health Administration

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration develops and sets mandatory requirements applicable to workplaces in the U.S. and mandates specific engineering and administrative controls to negate potential health hazards.  Engineering controls include eliminating or replacing harmful toxic materials with less hazardous ones, enclosing work processes or confining work operations, and installing general and local ventilation systems.  Administrative, or procedural controls alter the manner in which a task is performed.

Hazardous Energy Control - Lockout/Tagout

The Control of Hazardous Energy Program establishes the minimum requirements for the Lockout and Tagout of energy-isolating devices to prevent an undesirable release of hazardous energy during any servicing, maintenance, or modification activity.  It shall be used to ensure that the affected equipment or system is isolated from all potential hazardous energy and is locked/tagged out before authorized employees perform any maintenance activities where the unexpected start-up or release of stored energy could cause a serious personal injury or a fatality.

Hot Work Safety
Precautions for hot work operations are specified in 29 CFR 1910.252(a), and include such safeguards as relocating hot work operation to a safe location if possible, relocating or covering combustible material in the vicinity, and provisions for establishing a fire watch.  Permits are required for hot work performed outside of Designated Hot Work Areas.  The implementation of a permit system for hot work is intended to assure that employees are aware of and utilize appropriate safeguards when conducting these activities.  Before employees perform hot work they must review the below information and successfully complete the test at the end of the PowerPoint presentation. 

Computer Ergonomics

Injuries and illnesses related to ergonomics, often called musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), are on the decline in the workplace.  The control of certain MSD problems can be accomplished by utilizing the ergonomic potential of your work station.  Combined with appropriate work habits, it is possible to virtually eliminate the risk of acquiring MSDs associated with computer work.


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