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Frequently Asked Questions - Host Servers
What is a host server?
A Host Server is a computer or group of computers that make up a common system for an assigned purpose.  The host server 'Delphi' is such a server designated as the data storage warehouse for the Southeast Region's Data Collection program.  The Delphi host server is a Sun Enterprise 3500 running Unix-Solaris 8 and services a relational database management system (SEFIN8i) Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. The Delphi is housed and maintained on site at the SEFSC and is accessible through the SEFSC LAN, NMFS WAN, and the Internet.

What is the Data Collection System?
The Fisheries Statistics & Economics Division of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has automated data summary programs that anyone can use to rapidly and easily summarize U.S.Commercial Fisheries landings.  These programs allow you to query our commercial fishery data bases and summarize United States domestic commercial landings in several formats.  Domestic fishery landings are those fish and shellfish that are landed and sold in the 50 states by U.S. fishermen and do not include landings made in U.S. territories or by foreign fishermen.

Who can access our host servers?
Specific personnel (users) having a requirement for data collected under the many fishery programs are allowed access to the Delphi server.  These users include: NMFS Federal personnel - including contractors under NMFS, Fishery Management Councils, and Marine Fisheries Commissions, as well as personnel under the State Cooperative program.

How can a user get a user account on Delphi?
Each user that has a requirement for accessing the Delphi must gain permission through their own authorizing officials responsible for allowing a user access to the Delphi.  Within the SEFSC, this would be their Division Chief, Branch Leader, or Group Leader.  Outside the SEFSC, the Director, Division Chief, or authorized State official for that agency who is responsible for allowing a user access to Delphi information.
ASEFSC Systems Access Application form must be completed for each individual requiring access to the Delphi.  The authorizing official must sign and insure the completeness and accuracy of the information required on the access form.
Each individual requesting access to the Fisheries information must have completed, signed, and submitted a Statement of Non-Disclosure after having read the NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, Protection of Confidential Fisheries Statistics. The form must be signed, dated, and witnessed. The completed forms are submitted to the IRM Division at the SEFSC for processing.

How is a user identified on the Delphi (user id/password/ip address)?
Each user that has requested and completed the required forms will have a Delphi User-Id and Password assigned when their account on the server is created.
The individual's computer must have the required software and communications hardware installed and a connection made to the SEFSC LAN, NMFS WAN, and the Internet. A fixed Internet Protocol (IP) address must have been supplied when completing the access application form. The Internet Protocol number (four part number, separated by periods) assigned to the applicants local desk-top, work-station or local server from or through which they are connecting to the SEFSC systems.  (Rotating or varying IP addresses are not allowed!)
This User Id, Password, and IP address combination are unique required codes providing the security for access to the Delphi.

How does a user access SEFIN Data Collection applications?
SouthEast Fisheries Information Network (SEFIN8i) is the name given to the Oracle database that houses the collection system.
Several approaches are available to accessing the SEFIN8i database.  A Data Collection menu option is available through the Unix log-in.  This option will give a user access to most of the standardized reporting and data extractions features of each collection systems.  A second method is using Oracle SQL*Plus to access the SEFIN8i directly.  Or, the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) can be used to connect directly with the SEFIN8i database.

How can a user transfer files to another computer?
Files can be transferred to and from our servers using only a secure FTP application. The user's computer must have a File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) capabilities available to accomplish this. 
Anonymous SFTP Server (
A SFTP server site was developed as a means of providing a secure way for work groups within NNFS to collaborate and share information. The intent of the site is to off-set the use of the mail server for the transfer of large files. This server provides users with an efficient way to share files between dissimilar systems. This process was developed with the assumption the user has access to and utilizes a TCP/IP protocol suite.  These are typically loaded on all NOAA/NMFS systems. When working remotely, you will need to ensure you can use SFTP through your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

       How to get and configure an SFTP program
How does a Delphi user manage their disk space?
Each user account is established with a work space call their Home Directory. This space is allocated by the user's User Id, a disk path, and a user group. Each home directory is initially given a space of ten (10) megabytes of disk. Each user is responsible for managing their own space by removing files when no longer needed.
      quota = is a Unix command that will inform the user of how much space they have
      ls = (List) is a Unix command that will list all the files within their directory.
      rm = (Remove) is a Unix command that will remove un-needed files.

How does a Delphi user get more disk space?
Should a user find that they need more space than the default 10 megabytes, they may request an increase in the home directory size by contacting the Delphi Unix Systems Administrator with the IRM Division.

How does a Delphi user change their Unix password?
A password is required with each user's User ID. This password is set at the initial sigh-on of the user into the Delphi. The password is then required to be physically changed every 180 days thereafter. However, the user can change the password at anytime using the Unix command passwd.
       Janedoe - SEFIN8i
       107 $ >passwd: Changing password for joe user
             Enter login password:    *prudance
             New password:              1princess
             Re-enter new password: 1princess

            Passwords must differ by at least 3 positions.
            Password must be at least 6 characters with at least 1 special or numeric character.

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