MSHA - Code of Federal Regulations - 30 CFR 18.0
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MSHA - Title 30 CFR

Subpart A--General Provisions


18.1    Purpose.

18.2    Definitions.

18.3    Consultation.

18.4    Equipment for which approval will be issued.

18.5    Equipment for which certification will be issued.

18.6    Applications.

18.7    [Reserved]

18.8    Date for conducting investigation and tests.

18.9    Conduct of investigations and tests.

18.10    Notice of approval or disapproval.

18.11    Approval plate.

18.12    Letter of certification.

18.13    Certification plate.

18.14    Identification of tested noncertified explosion-proof enclosures.

18.15    Changes after approval or certification.

18.16    Withdrawal of approval, certification, or acceptance.

Subpart    B--Construction and Design Requirements

18.20    Quality of material, workmanship, and design.

18.21    Machines equipped with powered dust collectors.

18.22    Boring-type machines equipped for auxiliary face ventilation.

18.23    Limitation of external surface temperatures.

18.24    Electrical clearances.

18.25    Combustible gases from insulating material.

18.26    Static electricity.

18.27    Gaskets.

18.28    Devices for pressure relief, ventilation, or drainage.

18.29    Access openings and covers, including unused lead-entrance holes.

18.30    Windows and lenses.

18.31    Enclosures--joints and fastenings.

18.32    Fastenings--additional requirements.

18.33    Finish of surface joints.

18.34    Motors.

18.35    Portable (trailing) cables and cords.

18.36    Cables between machine components.

18.37    Lead entrances.

18.38    Leads through common walls.

18.39    Hose conduit.

18.40    Cable clamps and grips.

18.41    Plug and receptacle-type connectors.

18.42    Explosion-proof distribution boxes.

18.43    Explosion-proof splice boxes.

18.44    Battery boxes and batteries (exceeding 12 volts).

18.45    Cable reels.

18.46    Headlights.

18.47    Voltage limitation.

18.48    Circuit-interrupting devices.

18.49    Connection boxes on machines.

18.50    Protection against external arcs and sparks.

18.51    Electrical protection of circuits and equipment.

18.52    Renewal of fuses.

18.53    High-voltage longwall mining systems.

Subpart    C--Inspections and Tests

18.60    Detailed inspection of components.

18.61    Final inspection of complete machine.

18.62    Tests to determine explosion-proof characteristics.

18.63    [Reserved]

18.65    Flame test of hose.

18.66    Tests of windows and lenses.

18.67    Static-pressure tests.

18.68    Tests for intrinsic safety.

18.69    Adequacy tests.

Subpart    D--Machines Assembled With Certified or Explosion-Proof Components, Field Modifications of Approved Machines, and Permits To Use Experimental Equipment

18.80    Approval of machines assembled with certified or explosion-proof components.

18.81    Field modification of approved (permissible) equipment; application for approval of modification; approval of plans for modification before modification.

18.82    Permit to use experimental electric face equipment in a gassy mine or tunnel.

Appendix I   

Appendix II   

Subpart    E--Field Approval of Electrically Operated Mining Equipment

18.90    Purpose.

18.91    Electric equipment for which field approvals will be issued.

18.92    Quality of material and design.

18.93    Application for field approval; filing procedures.

18.94    Application for field approval; contents of application.

18.95    Approval of machines constructed of components approved, accepted or certified under Bureau of Mines Schedule 2D, 2E, 2F, or 2G.

18.96    Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements.

18.97    Inspection of machines; minimum requirements.

18.98    Enclosures, joints, and fastenings; pressure testing.

18.99    Notice of approval or disapproval; letters of approval and approval plates.

AUTHORITY:    30 U.S.C. 957   , 961   .

SOURCE:    33 FR 4660, Mar. 19, 1968, unless otherwise noted.

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