BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Vietnam Local time: 10:48 AM

Platinum Key Service



To help companies navigate the increasingly complex international marketplace, the U.S. Commercial Service's Platinum Key Service offers clients a comprehensive, customized way to achieve their business goals through long-term, sustained support. The service is solution-oriented and tailored to the client’s needs through a mutually agreed upon scope of work.

Platinum Key Service Overview

Through the Platinum Key Service, U.S. businesses can attain customized support from overseas commercial officers and specialists on a range of issues in which the company needs longer-term, sustained assistance. Working with overseas personnel, clients identify specific requirements, which constitute the “scope of work” for the service provided, and establish a timeframe for completion of the service (typically six months to a year).

Assistance provided through the service can include a range of issues that relate to achieving one or more complex business goals or objectives. The issues can include but are not limited to market identification, product/service launch, project development, regulatory and technical
assistance, product standards, technical standards and product registration assistance, market development and facilitation.

U.S. Commercial Service Quality Assurances

  • overseas commercial officers and specialists will work closely with the client to design a strategy to meet the client’s specific needs;
  • commercial specialists will fully apprise the client of the work that is being performed, including regular progress reports as outlined in the scope of work;
  • commercial specialists have a complete understanding of the client’s product and/or service and understand clearly the client’s market goals and objectives;
  • commercial specialists will serve as the company’s point-of-contact and oversee the timely delivery of the service; and
  • all requirements identified in the scope of work are met.

Client Responsibilities

  • clearly articulating the matter and/or issue on which they need assistance, including communication of a reasonable timeframe within which the work must be completed;
  • providing all written or other background material that is necessary for the overseas commercial officers and specialists to complete the agreed-upon scope of work;
  • providing timely updates as needed to meet the agreed-upon objectives of the scope of work; and
  • timely following up on recommendations that have been made and business opportunities that have been identified.


$3,000.00/case (typically). The service will be priced according to the expected work outlined in the individual Scope of Work contract.


Ongoing service for six months, one year, or a specified time frame based on a mutually agreed upon scope of work.

How to order

Please contact us. Thank you!

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Platinum Key Service
BlueBytez, Inc.