BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Vietnam Local time: 10:50 AM

Video Gold Key Service

Description: Vietnam has two distinct markets: northern Vietnam is served by CS-Hanoi, and southern Vietnam (from Hue south) is served by CS-Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). Clients should plan to do separate Video Gold Keys in both markets if possible. If you are unsure of which market holds the best potential for your client, we will advise you.

Vietnam Video Gold Key Service includes:

  • Interpretation services during call.
  • Pre-qualified video meetings with Vietnamese potential partners.


Telephone connectivity in Vietnam is among the most expensive in the world. Video conference calls to the US initiated from Vietnam cost about $7.00 per minute! Clients are urged to initiate calls from outside Vietnam - thus saving considerable money. Cost assumes video conference call will be initiated by US office calling into our system in Vietnam and is exclusive of phone charges they will incur in the USA.

Most Vietnamese do not speak English. Service includes interpretation - but be advised that this slows communication. Factor twice the amount of time for your communication needs, and simplify your talking points as much as possible. Please send agenda and discussion points in advance of call.

Vietnam is twelve hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (USA). We encourage US clients to make VGK calls during normal business hours in Vietnam - so calls should be initiated from the USA in the early morning or evening US time. (For example 8:00pm on Monday in New York is 8:00am on Tuesday in Vietnam.)

Cost: $300 per three appointments, per market. VGKs to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City cost $600. Any additional appointments over three per-market will be billed at $100 per additional appointment.

Lead-time: 15 business days after receipt of client's brochures is preferred.

How to order: Please contact us. Thank you!