Models and Analytical Tools

Once a user locates the desired information, a number of scenarios may follow. In many cases, the information is the end in itself, and no further assistance by the information provider is required. In the natural sciences, a frequent next step is to apply the information in a way that satisfies the need that originally prompted the search. In this case, information systems must move beyond simply providing links to resources. Manipulation of data may be necessary to provide for extrapolation to a problem being addressed or a decision being made. Correlation, analysis, synthesis, and presentation across networks are critical capabilities. Large masses of available data must be turned into usable and useful information that can be brought to bear in decision making, policy formulation, and directing future research. To address this service need, the Center for Biological Informatics connects users, through the National Biological Information Infrastructure, with tools that can be applied to data manipulation and applications. In particular, CBI staff members are involved in the development of decision support systems, including participation in the Aurora Partnership.

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