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Web Style Sheets
CSS tips & tricks

(This page uses CSS style sheets)


A pinned-down menu

Indented paragraphs

Alternative style sheets

A confetti menu

Un-colored scrollbars


A tabbed interface




Text shadows

Round corners & shadows

Tips & tricks

A random collection of CSS examples and some help in using them.

  1. Figures & captions
  2. A pinned-down menu
  3. Indented paragraphs
  4. Alternative style sheets
  5. A confetti menu
  6. Getting rid of colored scrollbars (user style sheets)
  7. Even/odd: coloring every other row
  8. A tabbed interface
  9. A chart comparing font styles
  10. Horizontal and vertical centering
  11. Boxes with drop shadows
  12. Text shadows
  13. Rounded boxes and unsharp shadows

CSS Valid CSS!Valid HTML 4.0!

Bert Bos
created 17 Jan 2001;
last updated $Date: 2009/05/04 10:20:15 $ GMT