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September 29, 1999

Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr.
Ranking Democratic Member
Committee on the Budget
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman:

I am pleased to respond to your letter of September 24, in which you requested information about the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor/HHS) appropriation bill and the current status of appropriation action for fiscal year 2000.

Including funding designated as emergencies and scorekeeping adjustments specified by the House Budget Committee, CBO estimates that the Labor/HHS bill, as reported out of the subcommittee in the House, would provide budget authority of $73.8 billion and result in outlays of $84.4 billion in fiscal year 2000. Without the scorekeeping adjustment of $929 million, estimated outlays would be $85.3 billion in 2000. The 302(b) allocations specified in House Report 106-288 include $73.0 billion in budget authority and $75.1 billion in outlays for that bill. Table 1 summarizes CBO's scoring of all the appropriation bills, based on their current status in the House of Representatives.

You also asked about the impact of a number of advance appropriations for fiscal year 2001 that are included in the Labor/HHS bill. Table 2 shows CBO's estimates of outlays in 2000 and 2001 for the programs that would receive such funding, compared with the estimated outlays that would result if all the funds were made available in 2000. For the most part, CBO's outlay estimates are identical in both cases.

Your staff also inquired about the impact of the provision that would shift $3 billion in funding for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families from 2000 to 2001. CBO estimates that this provision would reduce outlays in 2000 by $25 million and increase outlays in 2001 by the same amount.

Finally, you asked us to compare CBO's July 1 baseline estimate of discretionary outlays with the outlays that would result from the current status of House appropriation action. In making this comparison, you asked that we (1) include the subcommittee version of the Labor/HHS bill, (2) add emergency agriculture spending provided by the Senate, (3) exclude scorekeeping adjustments, (4) include outlays for "cap adjustment items," and (5) include all emergencies. Adding $7.5 billion in outlays for emergency farm aid to House action to date would produce total discretionary outlays of $612.1 billion in 2000, $32.3 billion more than CBO's baseline projection of $579.8 billion. The details of this calculation are shown as an addendum to Table 1.

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you need additional information or have any questions, the CBO staff contact is Priscilla Aycock.


Dan L. Crippen


cc: Honorable John R. Kasich, Chairman; Honorable C. W. Bill Young, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations; Honorable David R. Obey, Ranking Member; Honorable John Edward Porter, Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations


Table 1:
As of September 29, 1999
In millions of dollars

302(b) Allocationa
Current Status
Allocation Current
Status Less

Subcommittees BA Outlays BA Outlays BA Outlays

Nonemergencies 13,839 14,120 13,839 14,282 0 162
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -162 0 -162
Emergencies 43 226 43 226 0 0
Total 13,882 14,346 13,882 14,346 0 0
Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary
Nonemergencies 35,774 34,880 31,470 31,644 -4,304 -3,236
Arrearages 0 0 351 0 351 0
Scoring adjustments 0 0 -525 -864 -525 -864
Emergencies 0 27 4,476 4,145 4,476 4,118
Total 35,774 34,907 35,772 34,925 -2 18
Nonemergencies 265,854 253,023 268,453 265,004 2,599 11,981
Scoring adjustments 0 0 -2,600 -13,073 -2,600 -13,073
Emergencies 1,838 6,107 1,838 6,107 0 0
Total 267,692 259,130 267,691 258,038 -1 -1,092
District of Columbia
Nonemergencies 453 448 429 398 -24 -50
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -5 0 -5
Total 453 448 429 393 -24 -55
Energy and Water
Nonemergencies 20,190 20,140 21,280 21,002 1,090 862
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -163 0 -163
Total 20,190 20,140 21,280 20,839 1,090 699
Foreign Operations
Nonemergencies 12,625 12,620 12,616 12,728 -9 108
Arrearages 0 0 77 13 77 13
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -144 0 -144
Emergencies 0 548 0 548 0 0
Total 12,625 13,168 12,693 13,145 68 -23
Nonemergencies 13,888 14,327 13,887 14,499 -1 172
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -172 0 -172
Emergencies 0 27 0 27 0 0
Total 13,888 14,354 13,887 14,354 -1 0
Labor, HHS, Education
Nonemergencies 73,028 75,078 71,763 83,968 -1,265 8,890
Continuing disability reviews 0 0 200 174 200 174
Adoption assistance incentives 20 12 20 12
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -929 0 -929
Emergencies 0 30 1,792 1,137 1,792 1,107
Total 73,028 75,108 73,775 84,362 747 9,254
Nonemergencies 2,478 2,484 2,457 2,487 -21 3
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -28 0 -28
Total 2,478 2,484 2,457 2,459 -21 -25
Military Construction
Nonemergencies 8,374 8,714 8,374 8,714 0 0
Emergencies 0 61 0 61 0 0
Total 8,374 8,775 8,374 8,775 0 0
Nonemergencies 12,400 43,285 6,474 39,448 -5,926 -3,837
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -1,438 0 -1,438
Emergencies 0 160 0 160 0 0
Total 12,400 43,445 6,474 38,170 -5,926 -5,275
Treasury and General Government
Nonemergencies 13,706 14,115 13,591 14,571 -115 456
Earned income tax credit 0 0 144 146 144 146
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -598 0 -598
Total 13,706 14,115 13,735 14,119 29 4
Veterans, HUD, Independent Agencies
Nonemergencies 68,633 81,973 71,632 83,007 2,999 1,034
Scoring adjustments 0 0 0 -1,048 0 -1,048
Emergencies 0 72 0 72 0 0
Total 68,633 82,045 71,632 82,031 2,999 -14
Total discretionary appropriations:
Nonemergencies 541,242 575,207 536,265 591,752 -4,977 16,545
Cap adjustment items (CDR's, arrearages, EITC, adoption assistance) 0 0 792 345 792 345
Scoring adjustments 0 0 -3,125 -18,624 -3,125 -18,624
Emergencies-Previously Enacted 1,881 7,258 1,881 7,258 0 0
Emergencies-New 0 0 6,268 5,225 6,268 5,225
Total current status 543,123 582,465 542,081 585,956 -1,042 3,491

Adjustments to House Current Status:
Include emergency farm aid 7,692 7,518
Exclude scoring adjustments 3,125 18,624
Total House Current Status, Adjusted 552,898 612,098
CBO July, 1999 Baseline (excluding pending emergencies) 539,285 579,826
Current Status Less Baseline 13,613 32,272

a. Source: Report on the Revised Suballocation of Budget Allocations for Fiscal Year 2000 (H. Report 106-288), dated August 4, 1999.
Summary of budget committee scoring adjustments: BA OL
Defense 0 -9,700
Highways & mass transit 0 -1,339
Outlay reduction equal to 1.14% of new BA 0 -2,837
Spectrum auction sales -2,600 -2,600
Crime victims trust fund (fines) -525 -525
Remove estimate of contingent emergencies 0 -1,623
Total -3,125 -18,624


Table 2:
(in millions of dollars)

Scoring if Part of Funding is Advanced in FY 2001 (House Subcommittee Bill)
Scoring if Total Funding is Appropriated in FY 2000
Effect of Providing Advances in FY 2001
2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001

Adult Training 216 644 17 791 860 17 791 -644 644 0 0
Dislocated Workers 315 945 63 819 1,260 63 819 -945 945 0 0
Job Corps 341 1,018 147 1,066 1,359 147 1,066 -1,018 1,018 0 0
Head Start 3,360 1,400 1,236 2,350 4,760 1,751 2,599 -1,400 1,400 -515 -249
Innovative Education Block Grant-Title VI 97 288 19 250 385 19 250 -288 288 0 0
Teacher Empowerment Act 450 1,350 90 1,170 1,800 90 1,170 -1,350 1,350 0 0
Special Education State Grants 2,225 3,608 292 3,791 5,833 292 3,791 -3,608 3,608 0 0
Vocational and Adult Education 487 1,045 77 996 1,532 77 996 -1,045 1,045 0 0
Pell Grants 5,334 2,286 1,594 6,217 7,620 1,594 6,217 -2,286 2,286 0 0
Total 12,825 12,584 3,535 17,450 25,409 4,050 17,699 -12,584 12,584 -515 -249