U.S. Census Bureau
2002 Economic Census main page

2002 Economic Census
Comparative Statistics for United States

Manufacturing - by subsector
Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Nonemployers are shown separately for 2002 and 1997. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. "% chg" columns show percent change between 1997 and 2002. An alternate display has fewer columns.
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
  31-33 Manufacturing 350,728 362,829 -3.3 3,914,719,163 3,834,700,920 2.1 575,165,127 569,808,845 0.9 14,664,385 16,805,127 -12.7
to industry detail 311 Food mfg 27,895 26,302 6.1 458,166,342 421,737,017 8.6 45,481,939 38,366,240 18.5 1,506,512 1,466,956 2.7
to industry detail 312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 3,032 2,727 11.2 105,500,444 96,971,368 8.8 6,933,477 6,735,295 2.9 159,885 175,711 -9.0
to industry detail 313 Textile mills 3,921 4,694 -16.5 45,395,368 58,707,401 -22.7 7,615,958 10,058,482 -24.3 267,335 391,899 -31.8
to industry detail 314 Textile product mills 7,327 7,899 -7.2 32,698,466 31,051,835 5.3 4,808,337 5,088,653 -5.5 184,861 235,441 -21.5
to industry detail 315 Apparel mfg 13,027 16,989 -23.3 42,016,094 68,018,116 -38.2 7,376,891 12,582,352 -41.4 338,235 710,796 -52.4
to industry detail 316 Leather & allied product mfg 1,519 1,861 -18.4 5,912,121 10,876,510 -45.6 1,178,137 1,832,341 -35.7 44,663 85,115 -47.5
to industry detail 321 Wood product mfg 17,255 17,367 -0.6 89,435,966 88,470,180 1.1 16,131,765 14,319,193 12.7 543,459 570,034 -4.7
to industry detail 322 Paper mfg 5,495 5,868 -6.4 153,222,838 150,295,890 1.9 21,384,531 22,311,971 -4.2 489,367 574,274 -14.8
to industry detail 323 Printing & related support activities 37,530 42,863 -12.4 95,592,001 97,485,138 -1.9 25,625,689 26,022,991 -1.5 715,664 834,404 -14.2
to industry detail 324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 2,268 2,146 5.7 215,509,421 177,393,098 21.5 6,232,679 5,546,082 12.4 103,503 107,625 -3.8
to industry detail 325 Chemical mfg 13,475 13,474 0.0 462,474,878 415,616,508 11.3 44,680,167 39,835,717 12.2 853,224 882,645 -3.3
to industry detail 326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 15,668 16,821 -6.9 175,723,910 159,161,346 10.4 32,893,006 29,804,904 10.4 992,898 1,023,060 -2.9
to industry detail 327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 16,700 16,310 2.4 95,057,959 86,464,708 9.9 17,908,785 16,172,049 10.7 482,633 501,471 -3.8
to industry detail 331 Primary metal mfg 5,187 5,059 2.5 138,116,315 168,117,728 -17.8 21,207,878 23,811,233 -10.9 486,609 605,085 -19.6
to industry detail 332 Fabricated metal product mfg 62,184 62,384 -0.3 248,687,816 242,813,453 2.4 57,668,291 56,631,583 1.8 1,578,862 1,763,772 -10.5
to industry detail 333 Machinery mfg 28,213 30,599 -7.8 254,862,981 270,687,165 -5.8 49,375,353 53,012,226 -6.9 1,163,166 1,420,512 -18.1
to industry detail 334 Computer & electronic product mfg 15,886 17,435 -8.9 357,273,488 439,381,300 -18.7 64,350,549 72,483,848 -11.2 1,258,657 1,691,146 -25.6
to industry detail 335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 6,528 6,930 -5.8 104,179,759 112,116,267 -7.1 18,238,454 18,972,741 -3.9 495,962 593,802 -16.5
to industry detail 336 Transportation equipment mfg 12,579 12,887 -2.4 634,680,036 575,306,996 10.3 81,610,333 79,616,518 2.5 1,656,475 1,842,315 -10.1
to industry detail 337 Furniture & related product mfg 22,414 20,738 8.1 75,117,165 64,299,098 16.8 17,260,279 14,986,222 15.2 589,845 603,668 -2.3
to industry detail 339 Miscellaneous mfg 32,625 31,476 3.7 125,095,795 99,729,798 25.4 27,202,629 21,618,204 25.8 752,570 725,396 3.7



Manufacturing - by industry
Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Nonemployers are shown separately for 2002 and 1997. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. "% chg" columns show percent change between 1997 and 2002. An alternate display has fewer columns.
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
311 Food mfg 27,895 26,302 6.1 458,166,342 421,737,017 8.6 45,481,939 38,366,240 18.5 1,506,512 1,466,956 2.7
3111 Animal food mfg 1,813 1,696 6.9 28,046,723 27,732,347 1.1 1,762,622 1,478,617 19.2 47,082 46,651 0.9
3112 Grain & oilseed milling 846 891 -5.1 47,199,361 52,075,763 -9.4 2,458,570 2,358,554 4.2 54,902 59,243 -7.3
3113 Sugar & confectionery product mfg 1,841 1,741 5.7 25,480,486 24,114,454 5.7 2,730,938 2,560,362 6.7 80,323 84,876 -5.4
3114 Fruit & vegetable preserving & specialty food mfg 1,737 1,780 -2.4 53,757,997 46,618,107 15.3 5,445,108 4,884,327 11.5 178,901 191,576 -6.6
3115 Dairy product mfg 1,680 1,830 -8.2 66,211,933 58,670,293 12.9 4,860,690 4,139,799 17.4 129,842 131,868 -1.5
3116 Meat product mfg 3,968 3,397 16.8 122,809,776 112,979,006 8.7 12,663,716 9,917,710 27.7 507,070 464,991 9.0
3117 Seafood product preparation & packaging 748 839 -10.8 8,797,171 6,919,210 27.1 1,058,106 886,350 19.4 41,301 40,763 1.3
3118 Bakeries & tortilla mfg 11,434 11,246 1.7 48,838,423 43,722,668 11.7 9,234,162 7,802,377 18.4 307,478 298,300 3.1
3119 Other food mfg 3,828 2,882 32.8 57,024,472 48,905,169 16.6 5,268,027 4,338,144 21.4 159,613 148,688 7.3
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 3,032 2,727 11.2 105,500,444 96,971,368 8.8 6,933,477 6,735,295 2.9 159,885 175,711 -9.0
3121 Beverage mfg 2,915 2,622 11.2 65,887,036 60,896,055 8.2 5,532,810 5,139,203 7.7 134,842 142,117 -5.1
3122 Tobacco mfg 117 105 11.4 39,613,408 36,075,313 9.8 1,400,667 1,596,092 -12.2 25,043 33,594 -25.5
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
313 Textile mills 3,921 4,694 -16.5 45,395,368 58,707,401 -22.7 7,615,958 10,058,482 -24.3 267,335 391,899 -31.8
3131 Fiber, yarn, & thread mills 573 592 -3.2 10,505,906 12,896,617 -18.5 1,583,972 1,891,178 -16.2 61,476 82,291 -25.3
3132 Fabric mills 1,761 2,124 -17.1 22,475,928 29,979,595 -25.0 4,151,595 5,613,779 -26.0 141,835 217,354 -34.7
3133 Textile & fabric finishing & fabric coating mills 1,587 1,978 -19.8 12,413,534 15,831,189 -21.6 1,880,391 2,553,525 -26.4 64,024 92,254 -30.6
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
314 Textile product mills 7,327 7,899 -7.2 32,698,466 31,051,835 5.3 4,808,337 5,088,653 -5.5 184,861 235,441 -21.5
3141 Textile furnishings mills 2,940 3,316 -11.3 22,313,717 20,296,040 9.9 2,604,847 2,750,812 -5.3 101,317 126,041 -19.6
3149 Other textile product mills 4,387 4,583 -4.3 10,384,749 10,755,795 -3.4 2,203,490 2,337,841 -5.7 83,544 109,400 -23.6
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
315 Apparel mfg 13,027 16,989 -23.3 42,016,094 68,018,116 -38.2 7,376,891 12,582,352 -41.4 338,235 710,796 -52.4
3151 Apparel knitting mills 853 1,318 -35.3 6,067,920 9,600,569 -36.8 1,204,204 1,933,113 -37.7 51,718 99,901 -48.2
3152 Cut & sew apparel mfg 10,728 13,354 -19.7 32,962,552 53,851,513 -38.8 5,502,635 9,625,941 -42.8 257,835 558,328 -53.8
3159 Apparel accessories & other apparel mfg 1,446 2,317 -37.6 2,985,622 4,566,034 -34.6 670,052 1,023,298 -34.5 28,682 52,567 -45.4
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
316 Leather & allied product mfg 1,519 1,861 -18.4 5,912,121 10,876,510 -45.6 1,178,137 1,832,341 -35.7 44,663 85,115 -47.5
3161 Leather & hide tanning & finishing 258 357 -27.7 1,913,730 3,576,657 -46.5 280,955 408,772 -31.3 8,858 14,898 -40.5
3162 Footwear mfg 349 427 -18.3 2,302,650 4,210,975 -45.3 505,243 827,526 -38.9 19,562 41,744 -53.1
3169 Other leather & allied product mfg 912 1,077 -15.3 1,695,741 3,088,878 -45.1 391,939 596,043 -34.2 16,243 28,473 -43.0
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
321 Wood product mfg 17,255 17,367 -0.6 89,435,966 88,470,180 1.1 16,131,765 14,319,193 12.7 543,459 570,034 -4.7
3211 Sawmills & wood preservation 4,318 4,841 -10.8 25,911,480 29,093,601 -10.9 3,493,065 3,478,548 0.4 107,896 130,935 -17.6
3212 Veneer, plywood, & engineered wood product mfg 1,924 1,841 4.5 20,195,136 18,815,394 7.3 3,679,908 3,155,921 16.6 114,255 113,085 1.0
3219 Other wood product mfg 11,013 10,685 3.1 43,329,350 40,561,185 6.8 8,958,792 7,684,724 16.6 321,308 326,014 -1.4
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
322 Paper mfg 5,495 5,868 -6.4 153,222,838 150,295,890 1.9 21,384,531 22,311,971 -4.2 489,367 574,274 -14.8
3221 Pulp, paper, & paperboard mills 561 546 2.7 70,135,533 71,539,224 -2.0 8,872,612 10,001,730 -11.3 158,987 201,540 -21.1
3222 Converted paper product mfg 4,934 5,322 -7.3 83,087,305 78,756,666 5.5 12,511,919 12,310,241 1.6 330,380 372,734 -11.4
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
323 Printing & related support activities 37,530 42,863 -12.4 95,592,001 97,485,138 -1.9 25,625,689 26,022,991 -1.5 715,664 834,404 -14.2
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 2,268 2,146 5.7 215,509,421 177,393,098 21.5 6,232,679 5,546,082 12.4 103,503 107,625 -3.8
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
325 Chemical mfg 13,475 13,474 0.0 462,474,878 415,616,508 11.3 44,680,167 39,835,717 12.2 853,224 882,645 -3.3
3251 Basic chemical mfg 2,379 2,418 -1.6 109,437,413 113,356,912 -3.5 10,919,479 10,290,943 6.1 181,146 200,766 -9.8
3252 Resin, syn rubber, & artificial & syn fibers & filaments mfg 949 780 21.7 60,274,763 64,417,772 -6.4 5,284,795 5,397,924 -2.1 100,349 115,691 -13.3
3253 Pesticide, fertilizer, & other agricultural chemical mfg 965 911 5.9 19,477,895 24,176,999 -19.4 1,504,062 1,515,969 -0.8 31,577 37,123 -14.9
3254 Pharmaceutical & medicine mfg 1,832 1,761 4.0 142,816,499 92,932,786 53.7 13,794,441 10,111,751 36.4 248,958 203,337 22.4
3255 Paint, coating, & adhesive mfg 2,019 2,181 -7.4 27,381,892 26,369,629 3.8 2,997,339 2,903,042 3.2 67,600 74,464 -9.2
3256 Soap, cleaning compound, & toilet preparation mfg 2,407 2,468 -2.5 64,069,442 55,141,340 16.2 4,965,516 4,567,517 8.7 115,392 126,446 -8.7
3259 Other chemical product & preparation mfg 2,924 2,955 -1.0 39,016,974 39,221,070 -0.5 5,214,535 5,048,571 3.3 108,202 124,818 -13.3
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 15,668 16,821 -6.9 175,723,910 159,161,346 10.4 32,893,006 29,804,904 10.4 992,898 1,023,060 -2.9
3261 Plastics product mfg 13,192 14,012 -5.9 142,440,074 124,445,374 14.5 25,989,436 23,029,570 12.9 809,950 820,707 -1.3
3262 Rubber product mfg 2,476 2,809 -11.9 33,283,836 34,715,972 -4.1 6,903,570 6,775,334 1.9 182,948 202,353 -9.6
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 16,700 16,310 2.4 95,057,959 86,464,708 9.9 17,908,785 16,172,049 10.7 482,633 501,471 -3.8
3271 Clay product & refractory mfg 1,660 1,972 -15.8 8,324,497 9,107,840 -8.6 2,044,387 2,235,382 -8.5 61,049 80,441 -24.1
3272 Glass & glass product mfg 2,270 2,260 0.4 22,434,247 22,732,942 -1.3 4,400,391 4,428,351 -0.6 115,532 128,565 -10.1
3273 Cement & concrete product mfg 9,441 9,156 3.1 44,525,951 34,591,507 28.7 8,014,576 6,190,454 29.5 218,242 194,970 11.9
3274 Lime & gypsum product mfg 365 357 2.2 5,048,568 5,533,623 -8.8 671,186 691,349 -2.9 15,409 18,856 -18.3
3279 Other nonmetallic mineral product mfg 2,964 2,565 15.6 14,724,696 14,498,796 1.6 2,778,245 2,626,513 5.8 72,401 78,639 -7.9
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
331 Primary metal mfg 5,187 5,059 2.5 138,116,315 168,117,728 -17.8 21,207,878 23,811,233 -10.9 486,609 605,085 -19.6
3311 Iron & steel mills & ferroalloy mfg 445 296 50.3 48,377,138 58,383,159 -17.1 6,395,276 7,604,810 -15.9 122,359 149,875 -18.4
3312 Steel product mfg from purchased steel 654 685 -4.5 14,194,697 18,516,877 -23.3 2,099,478 2,306,920 -9.0 51,948 64,200 -19.1
3313 Alumina & aluminum production & processing 569 400 42.3 27,803,375 32,550,279 -14.6 3,018,849 3,345,036 -9.8 68,181 84,487 -19.3
3314 Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production & processing 1,014 868 16.8 21,165,256 29,616,370 -28.5 2,714,811 3,048,301 -10.9 64,347 81,162 -20.7
3315 Foundries 2,505 2,810 -10.9 26,575,849 29,051,043 -8.5 6,979,464 7,506,166 -7.0 179,774 225,361 -20.2
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
332 Fabricated metal product mfg 62,184 62,384 -0.3 248,687,816 242,813,453 2.4 57,668,291 56,631,583 1.8 1,578,862 1,763,772 -10.5
3321 Forging & stamping 2,911 3,262 -10.8 22,045,698 24,375,589 -9.6 4,956,767 5,461,638 -9.2 132,138 158,944 -16.9
3322 Cutlery & handtool mfg 1,518 1,690 -10.2 10,776,858 11,475,344 -6.1 2,309,994 2,484,032 -7.0 61,734 77,337 -20.2
3323 Architectural & structural metals mfg 13,657 12,437 9.8 60,158,477 53,547,213 12.3 13,494,305 11,447,903 17.9 387,948 381,573 1.7
3324 Boiler, tank, & shipping container mfg 1,580 1,846 -14.4 22,309,175 22,714,389 -1.8 3,403,103 3,675,396 -7.4 84,289 102,191 -17.5
3325 Hardware mfg 949 1,011 -6.1 11,206,860 11,061,736 1.3 2,223,703 2,327,164 -4.4 65,733 75,437 -12.9
3326 Spring & wire product mfg 2,140 1,828 17.1 8,924,434 8,533,707 4.6 1,992,817 1,906,503 4.5 62,307 70,193 -11.2
3327 Machine shops, turned product, & screw, nut, & bolt mfg 26,286 27,393 -4.0 42,643,569 43,362,901 -1.7 13,550,589 14,029,104 -3.4 360,144 423,004 -14.9
3328 Coating, engraving, heat treating, & allied activities 6,235 6,355 -1.9 18,647,684 17,956,236 3.9 4,617,737 4,513,791 2.3 135,842 152,884 -11.1
3329 Other fabricated metal product mfg 6,908 6,562 5.3 51,975,061 49,786,338 4.4 11,119,276 10,786,052 3.1 288,727 322,209 -10.4
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
333 Machinery mfg 28,213 30,599 -7.8 254,862,981 270,687,165 -5.8 49,375,353 53,012,226 -6.9 1,163,166 1,420,512 -18.1
3331 Agriculture, construction, & mining machinery mfg 2,988 3,116 -4.1 48,520,775 54,181,573 -10.4 7,066,655 7,689,706 -8.1 171,017 211,200 -19.0
3332 Industrial machinery mfg 4,373 4,701 -7.0 32,971,455 36,658,714 -10.1 7,439,697 7,616,113 -2.3 153,677 194,210 -20.9
3333 Commercial & service industry machinery mfg 2,380 2,630 -9.5 20,607,034 26,009,857 -20.8 4,215,493 4,698,826 -10.3 100,270 129,691 -22.7
3334 Ventilation, heating, AC, & commercial refrigeration equip mfg 1,837 1,841 -0.2 31,909,628 30,791,331 3.6 5,453,631 5,344,894 2.0 156,332 174,136 -10.2
3335 Metalworking machinery mfg 9,131 10,380 -12.0 24,807,645 30,417,553 -18.4 8,308,765 9,827,519 -15.5 189,846 242,963 -21.9
3336 Engine, turbine, & power transmission equipment mfg 922 952 -3.2 38,448,312 30,508,866 26.0 4,362,933 4,638,042 -5.9 97,292 113,802 -14.5
3339 Other general purpose machinery mfg 6,582 6,979 -5.7 57,598,132 62,119,271 -7.3 12,528,179 13,197,126 -5.1 294,732 354,510 -16.9
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
334 Computer & electronic product mfg 15,886 17,435 -8.9 357,273,488 439,381,300 -18.7 64,350,549 72,483,848 -11.2 1,258,657 1,691,146 -25.6
3341 Computer & peripheral equipment mfg 1,607 1,972 -18.5 73,561,509 110,054,987 -33.2 8,284,414 10,899,245 -24.0 151,127 240,307 -37.1
3342 Communications equipment mfg 2,142 2,308 -7.2 66,142,719 82,852,421 -20.2 10,693,096 13,826,630 -22.7 198,650 294,865 -32.6
3343 Audio & video equipment mfg 561 551 1.8 8,521,541 8,226,685 3.6 926,990 918,069 1.0 24,191 30,306 -20.2
3344 Semiconductor & other electronic component mfg 5,369 6,271 -14.4 109,551,636 139,083,873 -21.2 19,550,805 22,142,761 -11.7 431,425 587,313 -26.5
3345 Navigational, measuring, medical, & control instruments mfg 5,254 5,425 -3.2 91,946,362 89,465,709 2.8 23,528,291 22,843,455 3.0 415,360 484,438 -14.3
3346 Mfg & reproducing magnetic & optical media 953 908 5.0 7,549,721 9,697,625 -22.1 1,366,953 1,853,688 -26.3 37,904 53,917 -29.7
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 6,528 6,930 -5.8 104,179,759 112,116,267 -7.1 18,238,454 18,972,741 -3.9 495,962 593,802 -16.5
3351 Electric lighting equipment mfg 1,225 1,328 -7.8 12,084,847 12,710,091 -4.9 2,202,181 2,204,508 0.1 64,725 74,987 -13.7
3352 Household appliance mfg 314 333 -5.7 22,023,522 21,394,445 2.9 2,946,767 2,916,830 1.0 87,525 97,232 -10.0
3353 Electrical equipment mfg 2,563 2,930 -12.5 31,386,809 36,233,634 -13.4 6,175,007 6,845,920 -9.8 161,609 209,311 -22.8
3359 Other electrical equipment & component mfg 2,426 2,339 3.7 38,684,581 41,778,097 -7.4 6,914,499 7,005,483 -1.3 182,103 212,272 -14.2
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
336 Transportation equipment mfg 12,579 12,887 -2.4 634,680,036 575,306,996 10.3 81,610,333 79,616,518 2.5 1,656,475 1,842,315 -10.1
3361 Motor vehicle mfg 373 388 -3.9 240,699,295 220,052,857 9.4 13,921,192 13,022,700 6.9 219,243 236,247 -7.2
3362 Motor vehicle body & trailer mfg 2,153 2,103 2.4 24,342,760 23,007,668 5.8 4,204,663 3,386,084 24.2 127,388 125,015 1.9
3363 Motor vehicle parts mfg 5,647 5,827 -3.1 201,976,361 178,511,569 13.1 31,799,106 30,960,765 2.7 710,595 779,913 -8.9
3364 Aerospace product & parts mfg 1,583 1,808 -12.4 124,701,215 120,438,212 3.5 23,768,934 25,159,567 -5.5 394,649 487,114 -19.0
3365 Railroad rolling stock mfg 200 232 -13.8 7,879,964 8,263,395 -4.6 1,203,148 1,319,135 -8.8 25,497 34,012 -25.0
3366 Ship & boat building 1,766 1,737 1.7 21,234,924 16,150,259 31.5 5,082,781 4,382,998 16.0 136,974 138,237 -0.9
3369 Other transportation equipment mfg 857 792 8.2 13,845,517 8,883,036 55.9 1,630,509 1,385,269 17.7 42,129 41,777 0.8
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
337 Furniture & related product mfg 22,414 20,738 8.1 75,117,165 64,299,098 16.8 17,260,279 14,986,222 15.2 589,845 603,668 -2.3
3371 Household & institutional furniture & kitchen cabinet mfg 17,078 15,259 11.9 44,581,849 36,418,307 22.4 10,504,034 8,767,969 19.8 387,381 388,438 -0.3
3372 Office furniture (including fixtures) mfg 4,248 4,289 -1.0 22,714,387 21,517,554 5.6 5,412,897 5,172,846 4.6 158,074 172,723 -8.5
3379 Other furniture related product mfg 1,088 1,190 -8.6 7,820,929 6,363,237 22.9 1,343,348 1,045,407 28.5 44,390 42,507 4.4
1997 NAICS Description Establishments Value of Shipments ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg 2002 1997 % chg
339 Miscellaneous mfg 32,625 31,476 3.7 125,095,795 99,729,798 25.4 27,202,629 21,618,204 25.8 752,570 725,396 3.7
3391 Medical equipment & supplies mfg 12,134 12,675 -4.3 61,350,484 44,893,840 36.7 13,242,313 10,008,144 32.3 322,988 291,522 10.8
3399 Other miscellaneous mfg 20,491 18,801 9.0 63,745,311 54,835,958 16.2 13,960,316 11,610,060 20.2 429,582 433,874 -1.0


Source: 2002 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics,   Questions?