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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fisheries Management - Information Bulletins

Information Bulletin 03-93
Sustainable Fisheries Division

October 10, 2003
2:15 p.m.

NMFS Reallocates Pacific Cod From Vessels Using Trawl, Jig, And Pot Gear To Vessels Using Hook And Line Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands

The National Marine Fisheries service (NMFS) is reallocating 17,000 metric tons (mt) of Pacific cod from vessels using trawl gear, 3,600 mt of Pacific cod from vessels using jig gear, and 500 mt from vessels using pot gear to vessels using hook-and-line gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area according to James W. Balsiger, Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS.

The following table summarizes the reallocation in metric tons:

Pacific CodCurrent ShareThese ActionsRevised Share
Hook and Line Gear

     Catcher Processor

     Catcher Vessel






Pot Gear
Jig Gear      3,893
Trawl Gear

     Catcher Processor

     Catcher Vessel







This action is necessary to allow the 2003 TAC of Pacific cod to be harvested and is issued pursuant to 50 CFR 679.20(a)(7)(ii). This action does not imply any change in the status of the fisheries.

This information bulletin only provides notice of a regulatory change. For the purposes of complying with the regulatory change, you are advised to see the actual text of the regulation in the Code of Federal Regulations.

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