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Press Release



Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Gutierrez Statement on Congress Tax Relief Package

WASHINGTON—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today released the following statement on House of Representatives passage of the conference report on tax relief:

Today's House of Representatives vote is a victory for American workers and businesses and important to maintaining the robust economy. I commend Congress for reaching an agreement on the conference report and applaud the House for passing it. This bill will provide a tax relief package that will spur more economic growth, create more jobs, and help working families.

President Bush's pro-growth tax relief policies are at the heart of America's economic resilience. They have helped American families, workers, and businesses keep more of their own hard-earned money to save and invest as they see fit. Over the past five years, the President's tax relief has kept $880 billion in the pockets of American workers, small business owners and families who then used that money to drive the country's economic growth.