APS User News-at-a-Glance Issue 37: June 14, 2006
Advanced Photon Source www.aps.anl.gov


MESSAGE FROM MURRAY: APS Upgrade Proposal To Be Completed October 31

1 . Featured Organization: Synchrotron-Related Theory Group, X-ray Science Division
2 . Research Highlights

3. Update on XOR Beamline Upgrades: Sectors 1, 11, 12, and 32
4. Reorganization Centralizes Support for User Science
5 . Eighteen Beamlines Open to Partner Users: Proposals Due July 14
6 . Four Join APS Users Organization Steering Committee

7 . Fall Schedule Features New Lattice
8 . Electrical Safety Requirements Prompt New Training, Inspections

--Wendy L. Mao, 2006 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award
--Gabrielle Long, Division Director, X-ray Science Division
--George Srajer, Acting Associate Director, X-ray Science Division
--Brian Toby, Group Leader, Materials Characterization Group, X-ray Sciences Division
--Jonathan Lang, Acting Group Leader, Magnetic Materials Group, XSD

--Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science Meeting, Chicago
--Powder Diffraction Interest Group Established
--Proposal Deadlines Set for Calendar 2007
--Annual Report Available


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MESSAGE FROM MURRAY: APS Upgrade Proposal To Be Completed October 31

Save the dates: August 10-11, 2006, APS Renewal Summary Workshop
Check the web for June and July planning workshops:
http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/Conferences/2006/APS_Renewal/ (for comments: user name = upgrade, password = collaboration)

I am delighted to announce that the collaborative planning with the users of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) for the future scientific growth of the facility is entering a new and exciting phase. The Office of Basic Energy Sciences at DOE has asked us to prepare a scientific proposal for a major APS upgrade and submit it by October 31, 2006. Naturally, receiving a go-ahead for the upgrade will depend, in large part, on the strength of this proposal and its ability to convey the revolutionary science that would be possible by the enhanced APS.

I know many of you share my excitement about this opportunity not only to propel APS into world-class leadership for the next decade but also to give U.S. scientists access to revolutionary new capabilities while dramatically improving the performance of existing experiments. Plans for the upgrade include closely coupled ground-breaking developments in the accelerator lattice, x-ray sources, beamline equipment, data recording, and data analysis. The resulting large improvements in experimental capability would lead to world-class new science in many areas.

We invite you to take the opportunity to influence the details of the potential future upgrade. We will be holding several short workshops this summer, as well as a special summary workshop at APS on August 10 and 11. These workshops will begin with APS staff and users providing a summary of key ideas associated with the upgrade and soliciting your input so that in the proposal we can emphasize revolutionary new capabilities that would be impossible without the upgrade, for example, in ultra-fast science.

Everyone who is interested is encouraged to attend these workshops and to comment either in person or online. We've established a web page where you can keep up to date on the upgrade and also provide feedback (see end of article).

Following a successful proposal, the next stage would be development in 2007 of a full Conceptual Design, which would lay out the entire scope of what we will build, driven by the science that will be possible with the APS upgrade.

Plans are for the upgrade to begin in fiscal year 2009 with completion targeted for five years. According to the proposed timeline, the upgraded storage ring lattice (which will deliver significantly reduced emittance, many longer straight sections, and tailored x-ray sources for every APS sector) will be installed in the final year of the project (2013 or later).

While there will be approximately one year's downtime associated with installing and commissioning the new lattice, we are convinced that the result of the upgrade will more than compensate for this disruption. We will work with our users to minimize the effects of the extended downtime.

We eagerly invite you to join us as we plan for the future. Your support has been vital as we have reached our current position of leadership and is essential as we plan for continued excellence.

Contact: Murray Gibson, jmgibson@aps.anl.gov
Web site: http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/Conferences/2006/APS_Renewal/
To submit comments: user name = upgrade, password = collaboration


1. Featured Organization: Synchrotron-Related Theory Group, X-ray Science Division

Alongside organizational changes and beamline upgrades, another influence is quietly growing at the APS: efforts to help users investigate the theoretical underpinnings of their synchrotron data—and thereby improve their experiments.

The Synchrotron-Related Theory Group in the X-ray Science Division was established in 2004 to complement and extend beamline-based science. Staff collaborate with various user groups at the APS to develop links between experimental results and theoretical models. They also develop theoretical methods that provide new pathways for studying the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of materials.

The group focuses on

"What we hope will happen is that users will have better crafted experiments," says Gabrielle Long, Director of XSD. For example, the theory staff can help interpret an unexpected line or a shoulder on a peak. Long adds, "By choosing the right measurements, users can make more efficient use of beam time and get data that can be interpreted more clearly."

"This effort is part of a general trend taking place at user facilities to focus on the best science and on helping make the best science possible. The idea is to seek a greater coupling of the facility to the science," says Michel van Veenendaal, who heads the group. "Synchrotrons generally are getting better and better and able to measure more and more specific things, so experiments--and interpretations--are getting more and more complicated too," he continued.

In 2002, Northern Illinois University (NIU) President John Peters and Argonne Director Hermann Grunder signed a memorandum of understanding that created an alliance between the two institutes to carry out basic research in nanoscience. The aim is to establish a long-term research program and includes four joint appointments, of which three are in theory. This agreement led to the establishment in 2004 of the Synchrotron-Related Theory group.

Currently the group consists of van Veenendaal and Roland Winkler, who hold joint appointments at APS and NIU; Mike Norman and Art Fedro of Argonne's Materials Science Division; and two post-docs, Dimi Culcer and Serkan Erdin.

At the APS, the Theory Group collaborates with experimental groups at several beam lines. At NIU, the theory effort is integrated with the nanoscience program of the Institute for Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology (INSET) at NIU's Department of Physics. At Argonne, the theory program is linked with the Condensed-Matter Theory Group at the Materials Science Division, led by Mike Norman.

Contact info for staff, science highlights, and publications:

2. Research Headlines

The following are two recent additions to the gallery of science highlights available at http://www.aps.anl.gov/Science/Highlights/index.htm.

Fiber diffraction and new analysis method have revealed the molecular structure of collagen, a ubiquitous connective-tissue protein. Data were taken on while the protein is still intact and undisturbed within the original tissue.

Joseph P.R.O. Orgel, Thomas C. Irving, Andrew Miller, and Tim J. Wess, “The micro-fibrillar structure of type I collagen in situ,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 9001 (2006).
Read more: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Science/Highlights/2006/20060523.htm

A tomographic method has been used to record, for the first time, the formation of dislocation structure in a macroscopic sample of metal during deformation, a process that is key to the strength and durability of a metal.

Bo Jakobsen et al., “Formation and Subdivision of Deformation Structures During Plastic Deformation,” Science, 312 (5775) 889-892 (12 May 2006).
Read more: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Science/Highlights/2006/20060515.htm


3. Update on XOR Beamline Upgrades: Sectors 1, 11, 12, and 32

Sector 1. The 1-ID phase I upgrade is approximately 75% complete. The Kohzu monochromator, which had been used for 8-45 keV operations, was relocated to Sector 32, so that 1-ID is now fully dedicated to high-energy operations. The high-energy monochromator was moved to the 1-ID-A station, and the newly available space in 1-ID-B is being used to establish fixed locations for the high-energy-resolution/weak focusing optics and for the 3-D x-ray diffraction (3DXRD) microscope. When the new support table for the 3DXRD microscope is completed and the microscope is reassembled during the December shutdown, phase I of the upgrade will be complete.

Sector 11. Preparations are underway to upgrade 11-ID to an undulator beamline in 2007. Two in-line undulators (one with a period of 2.3 cm and the other with a standard 3.3-cm period) will be installed. This change will provide a significantly higher photon flux, a smaller beam size, and increased beam stability to the three simultaneous-use, independently operated stations in this sector.

Sector 12. A draft layout of the 12-ID beamline, component positions, and hutch modifications is finished. The conceptual design of the side-bounce monochromators, which is a critical part of this upgrade, is 75% complete. Front-end components are being fabricated and the vacuum chamber for the canted undulators has been installed in the storage ring and one of the undulators is in place.

Sector 32. The 32-ID beamline is currently being upgraded to a dedicated full-field x-ray imaging facility. The project includes the construction of a new experiment hutch, 32-ID-C, spanning from 65 to 77 m from the undulator source, and associated beam transport. Beamline optics and windows are also being upgraded. The existing 32-ID-B and the new 32-ID-C lines will house dedicated instruments for advanced phase-contrast and time-resolved imaging, diffraction-enhanced and USAXS imaging, as well as the development of phase-contrast hard x-ray microscopy. Hutch completion is expected in August 2006. During the construction period, 32-ID-B will accommodate general users when the construction schedule permits.

Contact: George Srajer, srajerg@aps.anl.gov

4. Reorganization Centralizes Support for User Science

On April 1, a significant reorganization took effect within the APS. Users will be most affected by the changes in the former Experimental Facilities Division (XFD), now called the X-ray Science Division. Several people you're familiar with now have new roles. Leading the changes is Rod Gerig's move to Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Accelerators. Gerig is succeeded as director of the Accelerator Systems Division by Efim Gluskin, formerly director of XFD.

The new X-ray Science Division (XSD), now under the leadership of Gabrielle Long, has a much different focus than the former XFD. It now includes all activities outside the accelerator, namely, the X-ray Operations and Research (XOR) section, the Beamline Technical Support Group, the Optics Fabrication and Metrology Group, and the User Office. The Magnetic Devices Group has moved to the Accelerator Systems Division, while vacuum, mechanical engineering, and similar services, along with safety oversight, have been centralized in the APS Engineering Support Division (AES), headed by Bill Ruzicka.
XOR, formerly headed by Long and now led by George Srajer, comprises six groups supporting user science, as well as a virtual group in synchrotron theory. The six scientific areas and associated group leaders and APS-operated beamlines are as follows:
--Chemistry, Environmental, and Polymer Science (Randall Winans, beamline 11-ID-D, sectors 12, 20)
--Inelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering (Wolfgang Sturhahn, sectors 3, 9*, 30)
--Magnetic Materials (Jonathan Lang, sector 4)
--Materials Characterization (Brian Toby, sectors 1, 11 [aside from 11-ID-D], 33*, 34*)
--Time-Resolved Research (Jin Wang, sectors 7, 8)
--X-ray Microscopy and Imaging (Qun Shen, sectors 2, 26, 32)

New leadership in these groups includes Jonathan Lang in magnetic materials (taking over from Srajer in sector 4) and Brian Toby in materials characterization. Brief bios for the new leaders in XSD are given under People News.

*Sectors 9, 33, and 34 are in transition to operation by APS.

Contact for XSD: Gabrielle Long, gglong@aps.anl.gov
Organization chart: http://www.aps.anl.gov/About/Organization/
Previous message from Murray:

5. Eighteen Beamlines Open to Partner Users: Proposals Due July 14

Eighteen beamlines are offering time to Partner Users interested in beginning work in Run 2006-3. Time is available on all beamlines in sectors 1-4, 7,8, 11, and 12 and on 20-BM, in amounts ranging from 10 to 30% of beamtime in each run (roughly 20 to 60 shifts, depending on the length of the run).

Both Partner User and General User proposals are due by July 14 at 5:00 p.m. Chicago time (Central Standard Time). Links to General User and Partner User information are at http://www.aps.anl.gov/Users/Scientific_Access/. Under Partner User Information, the Calls for Proposals link lists the available beamlines.

Please check that you can access the General User proposal system well in advance of the deadline so technical assistance can be provided if necessary.

Contact: Elane Streets, estreets@aps.anl.gov

6. Four Join APS Users Organization Steering Committee

At the 2006 Users Meeting, the following people were elected to the APS Users Organization Steering Committee for a term of 3 years:

The APS and the Users Organization are grateful to the outgoing members: Julie Cross, Stephan Ginell, and Malcolm Capel, as well as Mark Rivers, past chair.

Committee list and bios: http://www.aps.anl.gov/About/Committees/APS_Users_Organization/


7. Fall Schedule Features New Lattice

The fall schedule has been published: Run 2006-3 begins October 3 and ends December 19. In terms of special operating modes, the schedule features 11 days of 324-singlet mode (non-top up) in November and one week each of 1296-singlet mode (non-top up) and hybrid fill in December. However, the first three weeks of the run will see the introduction of a reduced horizontal beam size (RHB) lattice. This lattice is a variant of the normal low-emittance lattice that reduces the horizontal beam sizes for 8-ID and 32-ID from 280 microns rms to 120 microns rms. This change will provide a dramatic improvement for some types of experiments, such as phase contrast imaging. There is an approximately 10% increase in the beam emittance, which will be seen by all beamlines as a 5% increase in beam size and a 5% increase in beam divergence. These changes are comparable to the normal variation during operations due to beamline steering.

Contact: Michael Borland, borland@aps.anl.gov
Details: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Facility/Schedule/upcoming_schedule.htm

8. Electrical Safety Requirements Prompt New Training, Inspections

Several recent occurrences at APS, Argonne, and other facilities have prompted closer concern with electrical safety. Users are asked to read the User Safety Update issued April 12, 2006 (link below), which outlines new requirements for
--electrical safety training
--labeling and inspection of electrical equipments and components brought on site
--incident reporting (including near misses)

Contact: Tom Barkalow, 630-252-9243, barkalow@aps.anl.gov
Full safety update: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Safety_and_Training/User_Safety_Updates/AUSU_04122006_elec.pdf


Wendy L. Mao, 2006 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award
At the May Users Meeting, Wendy L. Mao received the 2006 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award, presented by the APS Users Organization. The award cited Mao's work in applying novel x-ray techniques that permit the study of light-element speciation at high pressure and for innovative experimental approaches to studying mineral physics at conditions of the Earth’s deep interior. The award recognizes important technical or scientific accomplishment by a young investigator that depended on, or is beneficial to, the APS.

Details of Mao's work: http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/APS_News/2006/20060417.htm

Gabrielle Long, Division Director, X-ray Science Division
Gabrielle, who came to the APS in December 2003 as Associate Division Director for X-ray Operation and Research (XOR), is now the director of the X-ray Science Division. Gabrielle was previously with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where she led the Materials Microstructure Characterization Group for ten years and was the (Acting) Chief of the Ceramics Division for one year. She was also one of the scientific leaders at UNI-CAT. She can be reached at 630-252-6012 or gglong@aps.anl.gov.

George Srajer, (Interim) Director, X-ray Operations and Research, X-ray Science Division
George succeeds Gabrielle Long as the leader of X-ray Operations and Research, within the reorganized X-ray Science Division. "My role, the way I see it, has three equal parts: one is to facilitate world-class science and increase the number of publications in high-impact journals, two is to provide our user community with highest quality support and three is to develop cutting-edge instrumentation and techniques." Previously George was group leader of the Polarization Studies Group (now the Magnetic Materials Group). His scientific background is in condensed matter physics; he completed his Ph.D. at Brandeis University and worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories before coming to the APS in 1991 to develop a polarization-dependent scattering and spectroscopy program. He can be reached at 630-252-3267 or srajerg@aps.anl.gov.

Brian Toby, Group Leader, Materials Characterization Group, X-ray Sciences Division
Brian heads the group who staff the instruments at Sectors 1, 11, 33, and 34; the group focuses on diffraction methods for characterizing atomic-scale and nano-scale structure of materials. Brian is also leading a team to complete the high-resolution, high-throughput powder diffractometer on 11-BM. He joined the APS in October 2005 after a decade at the NIST Center for Neutron Research; his previous employers include Air Products, the University of Pennsylvania and Union Carbide Corp. Brian is known worldwide for the computer programs for powder diffraction that he has written primarily as a hobby (EXPGUI, CMPR, pdCIFplot, etc.), but he wishes instead that he would be better known for his ~100 research papers, most using powder diffraction for crystallographic analysis. He can be reached at brian.toby@anl.gov.

Jonathan Lang, (Acting) Group Leader, Magnetic Materials Group, XSD
Jonathan has been with the APS since 1993, working for the x-ray optics group, then at beamline 1-BM, and, since 2000, at sector 4. He received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University for a thesis on x-ray magnetic circular dichroism of rare earth compounds. His research interests include XMCD spectroscopy, magnetic x-ray scattering, and novel polarization optics. He can be reached at lang@aps.anl.gov.


Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science
The Fifth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS-5) will be held July 30 to August 2 in Chicago. Presentations will provide an overview of the latest research developments in a broad range of materials areas.

Meeting Web site: http://www.aps.anl.gov/SRMS5.html

Powder Diffraction Interest Group Established
A powder diffraction interest group has just been formed; the first meeting was held June 1. The group will meet at noon on the first Thursday of each month in Bldg. 431, Room C010. Contacts are Brian Toby, APS, brian.toby@anl.gov; Haozhe Liu, HP-CAT, hliu@hpcat.aps.anl.gov; and Peter Lee, APS, pllee@aps.anl.gov.

Proposal Deadlines Set for Calendar 2007
The schedule for the General User Program has been set through the end of Calendar year 2007 (deadlines also apply to Partner Users): http://www.dev.aps.anl.gov/Users/Scientific_Access/General_User/GUP_Calendar.htm

Annual Report Available
If you have not received a copy of the 2005 APS annual report and would like one, you can
--Pick one up in the Bldg. 401 atrium
--Send a request to aspsinfo@aps.anl.gov (specify print or CD)
--Download the PDF from the web (http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/Annual_Report/).


Regularly scheduled technical meetings -- http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/Meetings/
Proposal system -- http://beam.aps.anl.gov/pls/apsweb/gup0005.start_page
Ops. Monthly meetings -- http://www.aps.anl.gov/News/Meetings/Monthly_Meetings/
User calendar (admin. meetings, reviews) -- http://www.aps.anl.gov/Users/General_Reference/Calendar/

*New entry since last issue

June 28 Monthly Operations Meeting, 402 Auditorium
July 11 SER-CAT Review
July 12 GM/CA-CAT Review
July 13 SBC-CAT Review
July 14 General/Partner User proposal deadline, Run 2006-3
*August 3 Proposal Review Panel Meeting
*August 10-11 APS 2010 Planning Workshop
*August 10 APSUO Steering Committee Meeting
*August 11 Partner User Council Meeting
August 15 Beamtime Allocation Committee Meeting
August 25 End of Run 2006-2
*October 3

Beginning of Run 2006-3

*October 26 APSUO Steering Committee Meeting
*October 27 Partner User Council Meeting
*November 3 General and Partner User proposal deadline, Run 2007-1
*December 19 End of Run 2006-3
January 23-25 Scientific Advisory Committee
January 24 Cross-cut Review
May 7-11 2007 Users Meeting