The mission of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Pacific Region
Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs


Seabird Conservation Plan


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Seabird Conservation Plan (PDF File 6.55mb)

Complete File: Seabird Conservation Plan, CA Current System Species Profiles, USPI Species Profiles, and Species Profiles Literature Cited
The Seabird Conservation Plan file is also provided in smaller pdf files below for faster downloading:
Seabird Conservation Plan (PDF File 3.1mb)
Seabird Conservation Plan Literature Cited (PDF File 135kb)
Seabird Conservation Plan Appendices (PDF File 654kb)
California Current System Species Profiles (PDF File 1mb)
U.S. Pacific Islands Species Profiles (PDF File 1mb)
Species Profiles Literature Cited (PDF File 3.89kb)