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Auto Dealer Groups Urge President Obama to Revitalize Market for Vehicle Inventory Credit and Retail Auto Financing

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NADA and the Obama Auto Task Force
NADA leads delegation to meet with President’s auto task force

WASHINGTON (March 6, 2009) – An unprecedented drop in consumer confidence, credit market chaos and a steep drop in lending have created an unsustainable business climate for thousands of the nation’s new vehicle dealers and their employees, auto dealer groups said in a joint letter to President Barack Obama this week.

The National Auto Dealers Association, along with the American International Auto Dealers Association and the National Association of Minority Auto Dealers, cosigned the March 2 letter. (Read more)

Auto Dealers Would Face Brunt of Burden Under California Fuel Economy Rules

Sen. Carl Levin (L) and NADA Chairman John McEleney discuss the California waiver at EPA hearing.
WASHINGTON (March 5, 2009) — The chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association, John McEleney, told the Environmental Protection Agency today that complying with state-based fuel economy regulations would cause additional hardship on the nation’s declining number of new-car dealers with little environmental benefit.

McEleney’s comments came in testimony (available here) at a public hearing held by the EPA as it reconsiders the request of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and more than a dozen states to establish their own fuel economy and greenhouse gas programs. McEleney, a multi-franchise dealer in Iowa, described the California approach as “inherently flawed.”

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EPA Hearing on Fuel Economy
“Implementing a patchwork of state fuel economy regulations would ultimately pass much of the burden of compliance onto the dealers,” McEleney said. (Read more)

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