About the Industry

> The trucking industry exclusively serves 80 percent of all communities in the U.S. for the products and goods they receive. 

> In 2006, commercial trucks consumed nearly 54 billion gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline.

By 2018, the trucking industry will haul 70 percent of total U.S. freight tonnage.

A one-penny increase in the price of diesel annualized over an entire year costs the trucking industry an additional $391 million a year.

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Senators Introduce Anti-privatization Bills

Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) introduced legislation on April 24 to limit incentives for private investors leasing roads or highways through public-private-partnerships, and reduce expensive federal subsidies for highway privatization. Article Continued...

Card Check Battle Not Over

ATA encourages members to continue voicing opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act of 2009 (EFCA).  Tell your elected officials in the House and Senate about the negative effects that the bill, also called Card Check, would have on the trucking industry and the business community. Article Continued...

Judge Enjoins Key Elements of the Long Beach and Los Angeles Ports’ Concession Plans

On April 29 Judge Christina Snyder of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, following her tentative ruling of April 27, 2009 issued a final Order immediately enjoining the principal elements of the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles’ Concession Plans.  Article Continued...
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