Publication Citation

USGS Series Water-Resources Investigations Report
Report Number 84-4086
Title Appraisal of the surficial aquifers in the Pomme de Terre and Chippewa River Valleys, western Minnesota
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Soukup, W. G.; Gillies, D. C.; Myette, C. F.
Year 1984
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) WRi no.84-4086
Physical description vi, 63 p. :ill., maps ;28 cm.

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The surficial outwash aquifer along the Pomme de Terre and Chippewa Rivers, Minnesota is as thick as 100 feet and has a maximum transmissivity of 35,000 feet squared per day. An analytical model of a 50-mile reach of the Pomme de Terre River valley indicates that the 43 existing irrigation wells pumping at maximum potential yields could reduce streamflow 77 cubic feet per second which exceeds low base flow of the river. Results from a finite-difference model of the Appleton area indicate that pumping lowered ground-water levels as much as 3 feet from 1973-80 and reduced streamflow 14 cubic feet per second. Simulation of increased irrigation pumping and decreased areal recharge during a three-year drought indicates that water levels may decline 9 feet and streamflow may be reduced 41 cubic feet per second. When results of the analytical and finite-difference models are combined, computed streamflow reductions exceed available base flow by as much as 60 cubic feet per second. Results from a finite-difference model of the Benson area indicate that at maximum hypothetical development, drought conditions and increased irrigation pumping may lower water levels 12 feet and reduce flow in the Chippewa River 30 cubic feet per second, which is less than low base flow. (USGS)