National Marine Fisheries Service

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SUBJECT: Instrument Moorings Notice

     This information is to update the National Marine Fisheries bulletin board concerning the 
1999 NOAA/PMEL  instrument moorings in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea FOCI pollock study areas.
Following are the locations and deployment times of subsurface moorings in the Gulf of Alaska 
( Shelikof Strait and Unimak Pass).

     Following are the locations and deployment times of subsurface moorings in the 
Gulf of Alaska and Shelikof Straits:

Subsurface moorings      Location              Depth       Top Float Depth         Moored
Chiniak Bay    57  43.23'N    152  17.42'W   198 meters    185 meters        April 99 to Sept. 99
Pavlof Bay     55  11'N       161  41'W      101 meters    17 meters         May 99 to May 00    
     Following are the locations and deployment times of surface and subsurface moorings in the Bering Sea:

Surface mooring          Location       Depth              Top Float Depth         Moored
F-99BSM-2      56  48.6'N     163  59.9'W    75 meters     surface             April 99 to Sept. 99

Subsurface moorings 	 Location      		Depth      Top Float Depth         Moored
F-99BSST-2     56 45.90'N     164  20.77'W   74 meters     27 meters         Feb. 99 to Sept. 99
F-99BSST-3     56  03.00'N    166  19.94'W   124 meters    49 meters         Feb. 99 to Sept. 99
F-99BS-4       57  51.12'N    168  52.40'W   73 meters     7 meters          April 99 to April 00
F-99BS-6       53  24.30'N    168  51.20'W   993 meters    140 meters        April 99 to April 00

     Five moorings were deployed in April 1999 at the Slime Bank area between Unimak Pass and Bristol Bay. 
These moorings include one surface and four subsurface instrument moorings.

Surface mooring          Location                Depth       Top Float Depth           Moored
F-99IFM-12         55  15.14'N    163  57.87'W   59 meters   surface         April 99 to April 00


Subsurface moorings Location                      Depth     Top Float Depth    Moored
F-99IF-10           57  24.46'N    163  24.39 'W  53 meters 7 meters        April 99 to Sept. 99
F-99IF-11 55        08.98''N   163  53.88 'W      38 meters 7 meters        April 99 to Sept. 99
F-99IFP-12          55  15.00'N    163  57.81'W   59 meters 41 meters       April 99 to Sept. 99
F-99IF-13 55        24.69'N        164  06.76 'W  97 meters 7 meters        April 99 to Sept. 99

One mooring south of Nunivak Island:
Subsurface mooring  Location                  Depth     Top Float Depth   Moored
F-IF99-2A 58        33.89'N    168  30.50'W   60 meters 7 meters         April 99 to Sept. 99

Two  moorings are deployed in the Bristol Bay CRAB study area at:

Subsurface moorings Location       Depth          Top Float Depth           Moored
KC99-1         56  25.05'N    160  13.04'W   26 meters 20 meters April 99 to April 00
KC98-2         56  29.98'N    161  00.01'W   68 meters 60 meters April 99 to April 00

Two moorings are deployed southeast of St. George Island in the St. George Canyon at:

Subsurface moorings Location       Depth          Top Float Depth           Moored
F-SG99-1  56  11.39'N    169  21.66'W   597 meters     92 meters April 99 to Sept. 99
F-SG99-3S 56  28.07N     169  20.00'W   103 meters     95 meters April 99 to Sept. 99

     The 1998 subsurface mooring F-98SG-1 in the Pribilof canyon was parted in the center at some time
during the April 98 to April 99 deployment.  The top half of this mooring may have been recovered.  The instrument
data is of value to the Fisheries Oceanographic Program.  The missing section of the mooring included two Aandera
Current Meters ( SN 5988 & 6006), one Seabird Seacat ( SN753) and two yellow 28" ORE floats( sn 789 & none). 
If you have any information on this oceanographic instrumentation, please contact me at the following phone
number, or leave the instruments with Alaska Ship Supply in Dutch Harbor.  

Subsurface moorings Location       Depth          Top Float Depth           Moored
F-SG98-1  56  10.95'N    169  19.92'W   605 meters     97 meters April 98 to April 99

     Please contact me if you require additional information.  My phone number is  206-526-6180, 
Email:  Thank you.


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