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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Child Health Extramural Research by State and Country


Principal Investigator: Cloutier, Michelle M.
Title: MCO Use of a Pediatric Asthma Management Program
Institution: University of Connecticut Health Center School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
Project Dates: 09/11/00-08/31/03
Project No.: U18 HS11147
Summary: Study practices will be provided with 5 tools intended to simplify the asthma guidelines. One physician and one nurse from each practice will participate in a 5-hour training session on how to use the materials, followed by assistance with program implementation, trouble shooting, and patient-specific feedback.

Principal Investigator: Fifield, Judith
Title: Better Pediatric Outcomes Through Chronic Care
Institution: University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
Project Dates: 09/30/00-09/29/03
Project No.: U18 HS11068
Summary: This quality improvement project will evaluate the impact of a computerized client server system that incorporates four modules for screening, outreach, and tracking pediatric asthma patients ages 5-18. The system will generate patient-linked guideline prompts ("smart cues") that integrate patient-specific data with standards of care.

Principal Investigator: Olson, Mary
Title: Pharmaceutical Regulation and New Drug Safety*
Institution: Yale University, New Haven, CT
Project Dates: 05/01/04-04/30/06
Project No.: R03 HS013932
Summary: The aims of this project are to (1) examine whether faster new-drug reviews are associated with higher counts of serious adverse drug reactions among new drug approvals, and (2) explore the factors that influence serious adverse drug reaction levels associated with newly approved drugs. Women and children will be represented in this study.

Principal Investigator: Scribano, Philip
Title: Effectiveness of NHLBI Guidelines on Childhood Asthma Outcome
Institution: Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT
Project Dates: 9/30/98-9/29/01
Project No.: R03 HS09825
Summary: This research is: (1) determining the ability of a busy, pediatric emergency room complying with NHLBI Guidelines for management of acute childhood asthma and factors associated with emergency rooms non-compliance; (2) determining the effect of complying with NHLBI Guidelines on the rate of asthma relapse, treatment, and the functional status of children admitted to the treatment sites; and (3) evaluating the role of an observation unit in management of acute childhood asthma.

Principal Investigator: Shiffman, Richard
Title: Electronic Records to Improve Care for Children
Institution: Yale University, New Haven, CT
Project Dates: 9/30/04-9/29/07
Project No.: UC1 HS015420
Summary: This project is centered around the implementation of a shared, electronic health record for health care providers in pediatric primary care, school health, specialty care, and emergency medicine. It will be used to demonstrate improvements in quality of care for children with asthma, and will create a basis for understanding organizational barriers and factors that enhance IT acceptance. Moreover, the project will develop administrative and technical elements of a community wide health network infrastructure that can be further extended to additional health partners—including academic health center clinics, community health centers, hospital emergency departments, and inpatient facilities. This study will involve an inner city, multiethnic group of children and women. It will also include minority physicians and nurse practitioners who practice at partner sites as study subjects.

*Project includes children or children's health care issues but does not focus exclusively on children.

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