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Corps to hold informational meeting on 2009 Libby Dam operations
Posted 04-May-2009

Contact: Mick Shea (406) 293-7751, ext. 211

Nola Leyde (206) 764-6896

Libby, Mont. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold an informational meeting regarding 2009 Libby Dam operations on May 13 in the Ponderosa Room at the Libby City Hall, starting at 7 p.m. MDT.


Army Corps of Engineers releases listing of Recovery Act projects, including $26 million in region
Posted 28-Apr-2009

CONTACT: Eugene Pawlik, 202-761-7690,
Patricia Graesser 206-764-3750,  

SEATTLE - The United States Army Corps of Engineers today released a listing of Civil Works projects to be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including more than $26 million within Seattle District boundaries.

The legislation, signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, appropriated $4.6 billion to the Corps for its Civil Works program. The $4.6 billion is distributed in the following program accounts:

Operation and Maintenance $2.075 billion

Construction $2 billion

Mississippi River and Tributaries $375 million

Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program $100 million

Investigations $25 million

Regulatory Program $25 million

Funding within the Seattle District’s three-state civil works boundaries includes:

Operation and Maintenance $15.562 million

Construction $10.8 million

Investigations $212,000

Operations and maintenance funding includes work at Howard Hanson Dam on the Green River in Washington to address dam safety concerns, hiring seasonal staff to trap and haul pink salmon at Mud Mountain Dam near Enumclaw, Wash., improvements at Riley Creek recreation area on Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho, and dredging in Grays Harbor, Wash.

Construction funding includes restoration and levee set-back construction work in the Green Duwamish River basin in King County, Wash., and $1.8 million under Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restor

Corps schedules Chief Joseph Dam spill to test flow deflectors for gas abatement program
Posted 23-Apr-2009

Contact: Nola Leyde (206) 768-6986

SEATTLE The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, together in collaboration with other federal agencies and others in the Mid-Columbia Region, will conduct spill tests at Chief Joseph Dam near Bridgeport, Wash., April 28 May 1. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the effectiveness of recently installed flow deflectors at reducing total dissolved gas concentrations downstream of the dam.

For four days next week the Corps will perform a series of 12 tests, three hours each, during daylight hours. Spill amounts will be as low as 18,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) to as high as 145,000 cfs, spread across all 19 spill bays. The maximum river flow during the tests is not expected exceed 235,000 - 240,000 cfs, approximately the same level seen during the spring melt in 2008.

Besides the lower river, the reservoir above Chief Joseph Dam, Rufus Woods Lake, may be operated below the normal operating pool of 950 feet to facilitate spills at the dam. The lowest elevation the pool may reach would be 947 feet, during those four days Apr. 28 - May 1, 6 a.m. to midnight.

Safety is always a primary concern of the Corps. Those people living, playing and working on or near the river are urged to be aware and be cautious for changing river condition