GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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[video icon] Online Videos's® Headline: Earth™
video podcasts [August 2007]
[Keith Dixon of NOAA GFDL appearing on Headline: Earth - Aug 2007]
[Thomas Delworth of NOAA GFDL appearing on Headline: Earth - Aug 2007]

Tom Delworth and I discussed climate modeling in a set of three Headline: Earth programs recorded in 2007 and currently available on YouTube.

  • How Climate Models Work
    [YouTube icon] [5:41]

  • Replicating The Past To Predict The Future
    [YouTube icon]  [4:48]

  • Do Climate Models Work?
    [YouTube icon]  [6:38]

In the first two videos, we answer some climate model FAQs, describing how the big and complex computer programs known as climate models are the best way we have to capture and express mathematically what is known scientifically about the physical mechanisms that comprise the vast and complex global climate system. We cover the key role that climate models play in both advancing the scientific understanding of how the planet's climate system works and in projecting future climate changes. And we explain the way the models are assembled, tested, and their credibility assessed. In the third video, Tom and I talk about some of the strengths and weaknesses of the current generation of climate models, how some climate change conclusions are more certain than others, as well as how progress is made via increased scientific knowledge and additional computer power.

Note: Headline: Earth host Katie Fehlinger opens with some news items before our more lengthy interview segments begin. To skip the news items, fast forward to the 1:45 mark of each of the videos.

For more videos about our climate research and climate models, check out the E-Media web page put together by NOAA GFDL's Climate Change, Variability & Prediction Group.

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[audio icon]Audio Podcasts

NOAA Research Matters Podcast:
The Challenges of Modeling Climate Change and Variability

As part of the NOAA Research Matters podcast series, I did a 12 minute interview about climate modeling with Barry Reichenbaugh

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In Print

Recently Quoted in
Newspapers & Magazines

Newspaper: The Christian Science Monitor

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