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Discharge Measurement in Tidally Affected Channels During a Hydrographic Estuarine Survey of Sabine Lake, Texas

By D.D. Dunn1, R.S. Solis2, and D.J. Ockerman1

1 U.S. Geological Survey.
2 Texas Water Development Board.

U.S. Geological Survey
Fact Sheet 157–97

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Sabine Lake Study

Discharge Measurement in Tidally Affected Channels

Computation of Discharge Using Ratings

Automated Instrumentation

Rating Method

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway at State Highway 87

Sabine River

Black Bayou

Rating Results


Selected References


Map showing measurement sites, Sabine Lake, Texas
Graphs showing:
Predicted versus observed discharges, and hydrograph computed from regression for the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway at State Highway 87
Predicted versus observed discharges, and hydrograph computed from regression for the Sabine River
Predicted versus observed discharges, and hydrograph computed from regression for Black Bayou


Channel dimensions of sites where ratings were developed
Regression coefficients and diagnostic statistics for discharge ratings


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