Taking Your School Global

"People-to-people diplomacy, created through international education and exchanges, is critical to our national interests. Americans who study abroad expand their global perspective and become more internationally engaged.  Foreign students and individuals who participate in citizen exchanges return home with a greater knowledge of our democratic institutions, and America's enduring values." - Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell

The following resources will help schools give their students, faculty, and administrators global experiences and increased awareness of global issues.

Department of State Resources

Videos, Books, and Essay Contests

  • "A History of Diplomacy" - A video and curriculum set developed by the Department of State, explores the world of American diplomacy - from its origins in Ancient Greece to the present day. To request a video, write or email:U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, 2201 C. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520. Requestavideo@state.gov
  • Inside a U.S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America edited by Shawn Dorman - an informative and insightful book on the inner workings of an embassy, conveying the challenges and rewards that American diplomats face in representing America to the world. (ISBN 0-9649488-2-6) - Published by the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA)
  • American Foreign Service Association National High School Essay Contest, open to high school students NOT affiliated with the U.S. Foreign Service. The purpose is to help young people better understand how the men and women of the Foreign Service serve the national interests of the United States.

Additional Resources

  • International Reading Association offers many opportunities for teachers to promote higher achievement levels in literacy, reading, and communication around the world.
  • The Globe - Information on "The GLOBE" program integrating math and science for all ages and abilities around the world. Teachers choose protocol they will follow.
  • Global SchoolNet (GSN), a leader in international online education since 1984, is dedicated to partnering with schools, communities and businesses, providing collaborative education and cultural learning activities that prepare students for the workforce and help them to become literate and responsible global citizens. GSN is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, member supported, education organization.  Links to resources - maps, language translators, measurement, currency, time zone converters, postal codes, and zip codes, to aid your class in international learning.
  • The American Forum for Global Education - "Global Education Checklist for Teachers, Schools, School Systems and State Education Agencies," by Fred Czaara, a paper from the American Forum for Global Education.

FLO Weblinks for Parent Advocacy: Talking with School Personnel

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