Module 8—Deconstructed Headings vs. Subject Strings

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Review Questions

1. True or False?

Records found in OCLC, created by NLM, look the same as they do in LocatorPlus.

2. NLM records geographic terms in a 651 field.  In a MARC 21 distributed record with other 650 fields, this geographic term would be recorded in a:
651 field
650 $z
650 $v
Omitted from the record

3. The following subjects appear on a record in the NLM file:

650 12  $a Retirement $x economics
650 22  $a Aged $9n
651 _2  $a United States
655 _2  $a Statistics

In a MARC 21 distributed record the subjects would appear as:

650 12  $a Retirement $x economics $z United States $v Statistics.
     650 22  $a Aged $z United States $v Statistics.

650 12  $a Retirement $x economics $z United States $v Statistics.
     650 22  $a Aged $z United States.

650 12  $a Retirement $x economics $z United States $v Statistics.
     650 22  $a Aged.

650 12  $a Retirement $x economics $z United States.
     650 22  $a Aged $z United States.
     655 _2   $a Statistics.


4. In a MARC 21 distributed record, the 655 Statistics could be appended as a $v to which 650 term(s)?

Malaria $x epidemiology
Models, Statistical
Heart Bypass, Right
Heart Bypass, Right $x utilization
5. The MARC 21 distributed record has the following subjects. 

650 12  $a Health Policy $z France $v Periodicals.
650  12  $a Health Policy $z Italy $v Periodicals.

How would they properly appear in the NLM file?

650 12  $a Health Policy
     651 _2  $a France
     651 _2  $a Italy
     655 _2  $a Periodicals

650 12  $a Health Policy $z France
     650 12  $a Health Policy $z Italy
     655 _2  $a Periodicals

650 12  $a Health Policy
     651 _2  $a Periodicals
     655 _2  $a France
     655 _2  $a Italy

650 12  $a Health Policy $v Periodicals
     651 _2  $a France
     651 _2  $a Italy
6. A language subfield is appended to distributed records
For all material published in a language other than English
For all items containing more than one language
When the MeSH subjects Dictionaries, Chemical; Dictionaries Dental; Dictionaries, Medical; or Dictionaries, Pharmaceutic are used
When the Publication Types Dictionary, Encyclopedias, Phrases, or Terminology are used

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Last reviewed: 14 April 2009
Last updated: 14 April 2009
First published: 08 April 2009
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