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Duckdata Collage
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A Bibliographic Database of North American Waterfowl (Anatidae) and Their Wetland Habitats

The following DUCKDATA files are available for downloading:

File Name



Duckdata . pdt


ProCite Database

Duckdata_form . pwf


ProCite Workform

Duckdata_style . pos


ProCite Output Style

Duckdata . xls


Microsoft Excel Worksheet

Duckdata_tab_delimited . txt


Text Document

To download a file, click on the filename and choose save . If you use ProCite software, you can access these files within ProCite. It is advisable to copy the database, the workform and the output style to the Database, Forms, and Styles folders within your ProCite software directories. That will ensure that ProCite will be able to interact with them appropriately.

Click here: to enter the FTP site.

Descriptions of available files:

Duckdata.pdt is the ProCite database of 13981 records. The file will load in either ProCite version 4 or version 5. When you open this file, ProCite will give you this message: “The database key file “Duckdata.pdx” is missing, OK to rebuild?” Just click OK, and the software will automatically generate the second file, the index, for the database. The ProCite database can also be opened by Reference Manager.

Duckdata_form.pwf, is a custom Workform created specifically for use with Duckdata. When accessing a database employing a custom (i.e., user-created) Workform, the Workform file must be available along with the database to maintain desired record structure. Download and store Duckdata_form.pwf in the Forms folder of your ProCite software.  This workform employs the following fields, and all records use the same workform: 01 Author

02 Author role (enter “editor” or “compiler” or similar terms as needed)

04 Title

10 Source

20 Date

42 Notes (Left empty for your use)

43 Abstract (Empty, but available for later use)

44 In file (Left empty for your use)

45 Keywords

Duckdata_style . pos tells ProCite how to display the fields in the workform. Inclusion of the keyword field is optional. To see examples of how citations are formatted, run a search in the Duckdata database and review the results.

Duckdata.xls is an Excel spreadsheet file holding all 13981 records. It can be used in the Excel software or imported into Access.

Duckdata_tab_delimited.txt is a tab-delimited ASCII text file that can be converted or imported by many IBM-compatible and Macintosh database management programs. Empty fields within records appear as an extra tab. The Notes, Abstract, and In File fields of each record are always empty and can be employed later as each user wishes. The only other field regularly lacking data is Author Role; not every citation requires the use of this field which identifies editor(s) or compiler(s) of publications. The record number is the first field in the exported data. The following example uses a record from the database to illustrate the appearance of citations in the tab delimited file:

272[tab]Anderson, H. G.[tab][tab]Food habits of migratory ducks in Illinois.[tab]Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 27:289-344.[tab]1959.[tab][tab][tab][tab]Food Habits/ Migration/ Illinois

For information regarding operation of this site, contact Lynda Garrett at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 12100 Beech Forest Rd., Laurel, MD 20708-3040 (phone 301-497-5550 or e-mail ). For information regarding the content, status, and use of DUCKDATA, contact Ken Reinecke at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 2524 S. Frontage Rd., Suite C, Vicksburg, MS 39180 (phone 601-629-6606 or e-mail ). Users are encouraged to contribute to the database by bringing new publications or works that may have been overlooked to the attention of Reinecke.

Last Updated  07/28/2004
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