Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source
X-Ray Science Division (XSD)

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Time-Resolved Research: Advisory Committee

Sector 7 (joint with 11-ID-D):

  • Robert Schoenlein (ALS), Chair
  • Paul Evans (U Wisconsin)
  • Linda Young (ANL)
  • David Reis (U Michigan)
  • Roy Clarke (U Michigan)
  • Lin X. Chen (ANL/CSE) Ben Gilbert (UC Berkeley) Martin Nielson (Niels Bohr Institute)
Sector 8:
  • Simon Mochrie (Yale), Chair
  • Robert Leheny (JHU)
  • Mark Sutton (McGill)
  • Ed Kramer (UCSB)
  • Tin Xu (Berkeley)
  • Jeff Brinker (UNM/Sandia)
  • Larry Lurio (NIU)
U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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