U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of Commerce News
                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                       THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002

Public Information Office                                        CB02-CR.07
(301) 457-3691/457-3620 (fax)    
(301) 457-1037 (TDD)
e-mail: <2000usa@census.gov>

                  **CENSUS BUREAU MEDIA ADVISORY**

                Census Bureau to Brief Reporters on 
             Census 2000 Long-Form Demographic Profiles  

What:     The Census Bureau's Boston regional director and state and
          local officials will brief reporters on the release of Census 
          2000 demographic profiles containing social, economic, and 
          housing characteristics for New Hampshire, Merrimack County 
          and Concord. These data are derived from responses to census 
          long-form questions.

When:     Tuesday, May 21; 11 a.m. (local time)

Who:      Arthur G. Dukakis, regional director, U.S. Census Bureau
          Kathleen Ludgate, assistant regional director, U.S. Census Bureau 
          Thomas Duffy, manager, New Hampshire State Data Center
          Douglas E. Hall, co-executive director, NH Center for Public 
            Policy Studies
          Ellen Shemitz, president, Children's Alliance of New Hampshire 
Where:    Legislative Office Building
          33 N. State Street
          Concord, N.H.

   For directions or more information about this event, you can contact
the U.S. Census Bureau's Boston regional office, partnership and data
services, at (617) 424-0500. 

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office
(301) 763-3030

Last Revised: May 15, 2002 at 09:50:49 AM

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